TIREE: A European White-fronted Goose in with Greylags at Ruaig, 2 Greenshanks at Milton, 7 Black-tailed Godwits at Caoles, 1 Dunnock at the Glebe (first of the autumn here) also 5 Ruffs, 24 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Greenshanks and 28 Redshanks on floods at Baugh road bridge (John Bowler).
MULL: A report of a juvenile Long-tailed Skua, also 2 Arctic Skuas from Ewan Miles, seen at sea off NW Mull.
KINTYRE: More reports from Val Wells of Hen Harriers, this time two female/imms about 1.5 miles along the B8001 road to Skipness from Redhouse. Could be a few birds moving through this area now?