KINTYRE: arrivals at Machrihanish SBO included 2 Sandwich Terns resting on the shore and 2 Sand Martins passing N, also 2 Common Scoters passed S (Eddie Maguire).
COWAL: 26 Purple Sandpipers and 1 Turnstone today at Crazy Golf. 2 Lesser Redpolls with several Siskins on the niger feeders in the garden. At Knockdow yesterday no sign of Stock Doves but the usual Moorhens and a pair of Little Grebes. Chiffchaffs almost everywhere. (George Newall).
MID-ARGYLL: The Mandarin ducks have been back with us at Durran, Loch Awe the last couple of weeks and surprised me today by perching on a nest box! (Mary Stewart).
MULL: three Barn Swallows at Knock are out first Argyll reports (Damian Jamrozik per Alan Spellman).