MID-ARGYLL: in fields at Dunadd there were at least 75 Fieldfares, 40 Redwings with 1 Song Thrush (Jim Dickson). A ringed male Blackbird has been visiting a garden in Connel since 2 February. Scrutiny of many photographs has confirmed the ring number as 7476431 from the Norwegian ringing scheme. This is the same individual which visited the same garden from 21 December 2015 to 8 February 2016. It was ringed about 25 miles SSE of Oslo, Norway, in April 2013 (Mike Harrison).
COWAL: at Knockdow estate two Stock Doves were seen well but briefly as they flew across the estate (George Newall). A Whooper Swan on Loch Loskin was the first one Alistair McGregor has seen there.