MID-ARGYLL: A Waxwing seen today just after 1.0 pm while driving back from Lochgilphead, as turned corner and Tayvallich Bay comes into view . Surprised but see others being reported in Angus and in Lothian (Jon Close).
ISLAY: Some recent sightings from Mike Peacock – Sun 25th at Gruilinbeg 50+ Fieldfares and 30 Skylarks, and an adult Iceland Gull at Sanaigmore. 2 Iceland Gulls at Ballinaby on the Fri 23rd – attached picture of the 3CY and on the Thur 22nd at Machir Bay – 3 Glaucous Gulls and an adult Iceland Gull.
COWAL: Six Jays in George Newal’s garden in Dunoon again today- see if you can spot all six…