MID-ARGYLL: A Great Skua was at Loch Crinan (off Duntrune Castle) this afternoon. Also a male Hen Harrier in the Moine Mhor area seen occasionally recently and a flock of 10 Reed Buntings (Sandy Mitchell). 12 Greenland White-fronts near Ulva Lagoons, 13 Golden Plovers , a male Hen Harrier and 2 Ravens at Danna, a Goldcrest at Keills and a Greenshank at Linne Mhuirich (Morag Rea).
TIREE: A male Green-winged Teal new at Loch a’ Phuill today – also 2 imm/f Scaup there and 1 Slavonian Grebe (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: The 2CY Iceland Gull is still at Strath, the Laggan today (Eddie Maguire).
NORTH ARGYLL: A walk up Glen Creran, at Loch Baile Mhic Chailein produced 10 Whoopers including 3 imms, the largest group I’ve ever found there. Also 2 Goldcrests and 2 Treecreepers in one tree, 5 Siskins in another and 5 Long-tailed Tits in another. My WeBS vantage point at Dalrannoch, Loch Creran came up trumps with 53 Teal and a Little Egret! (Robin Harvey).