31st December 2017
MID-ARGYLL: Birds in the garden today at Cairnbaan included – a male Brambling, 105 Chaffinch, 4 Greenfinch, 3 Goldfinch, 1 Siskin, 9 Collared Doves and a Great Spotted Woodpecker (Jim Dickson). A Kingfisher in the trees by the road approaching Ardfern Yacht Centre at about 13:15 today. A first here for me…in 18 years! (Ju Randall).
TIREE: A drake Green-winged Teal at Loch a’ Phuill today – also 1f Scaup, 3 Pintail, 8 Shoveler and 1 Goldfinch there. No sign of the Glossy Ibis at Cornaigmore (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: At the Machrihanish SBO: a 3 hour seawatch at MSBO from 12:30hrs in a WNW f4. The 2CY Iceland Gull was present. Birds >S included a Red-throated Diver, 40 Sanderling and 82 Black-legged Kittiwake. At Strath Farm, The Laggan 5 adult Whooper Swan were new in and a male Hen Harrier appeared briefly (Eddie Maguire and Charlie Robertson).
MULL: The Glossy Ibis is still present at Ardnacross farm this afternoon (Mike Murphy).

Best wishes for a great birding year in 2018
30th December
KINTYRE: At Machrihanish SBO – a 3 hour seawatch from 12:30hrs in a WNW f6-7 / squalls. Big surprise was a 1CY Northern Gannet present and foraging successfully throughout the seawatch. Also, an adult male Long-tailed Duck >S, a 2CY Iceland Gull was seen and 135 Black-legged Kittiwakes >S (Eddie Maguire).

28th December
TIREE: The Glossy Ibis at Cornaigmore still there today, first seen on 24 Dec by Pat and Judith Boyd. Also 3 adult Gannets off Gunna Sound and 21 Goldfinch at Sorobaidh Bay (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: A group of six Long-tailed Tits (and a Coal Tit round the back) visited a nut feeder in Connel this afternoon (Mike Harrison).
NORTH ARGYLL: A White-tailed Eagle circling around the north tip of Lismore today (Robert Croma).

27th December
TIREE: At Cornaigmore on 26th Dec a Glossy Ibis was seen (Judith Boyd per John Bowler).
MULL: The Glossy Ibis has been seen at Ardnacross farm daily since 21 Dec…also on 26th (Mike Murphy) so now two birds in Argyll just now.
MID-ARGYLL: On Christmas Day at Ormsay fish farm an adult Mediterranean Gull (Stu Crutchfield).
NORTH ARGYLL: On Tues 26th at head of Ardmucknish Bay, Benderloch, there was a Greenshank and a Little Egret, also a flock of about 8 Long-tailed Tits nearby (Robin Harvey).

24th December
MULL: The Glossy Ibis is still at Arnacross farm today (Mike & Jacqui Murphy).
COWAL: The Kingfisher again at the Sandbank hide, Holy Loch (Donnie MacFarlane).

23rd December
MID-ARGYLL: At Loch Gilp today – an adult Mediterranean Gull (metal ring on right leg) and an adult Little Gull in the wader roost opposite the Bank of Scotland. Also male Long-tailed Duck (long stayer) and 2 Whooper Swans at Loch Ederline, a male Hen Harrier at Barsloisnoch farm and 5 Mistle Thrush with 4 Redwings in Kilmichael Glen (Jim Dickson/Donnie MacFarlane).

22nd December
MULL: The Glossy Ibis was still at Ardnacross farm this morning (Jim Dickson, David Jardine, Mike & Jacqui Murphy).

21st December
MULL: A Glossy Ibis was seen and photographed nr Ardnacross farm, N of Salen late morning today (Mike Murphy).
MID-ARGYLL: The female Kingfisher back fishing from the Lochgilphead pier at Loch Gilp…caught several fish. Also a Grey Wagtail there (Jim Dickson).

19th December
MID-ARGYLL: At Loch Gilp this morning: 195 Wigeon, 14 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Red Knot and a Pied Wagtail (Jim Dickson). Lynsey Gibson saw a juv White-tailed Eagle at the head of Loch Gilp on 14 Dec over the wader roost and has also been seeing a male Hen Harrier this morning and previous two mornings in the Lochgilphead meadows nr the Cairnbaan hotel, plus a male Brambling in Ardrishaig on 16 Dec and recent return visits of a Nuthatch. The hybrid Canada Goose again in fields at Dunadd (suggestions on a post card..), and 31 Meadow Pipits at Drimvore (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: 10 Long-tailed Tits, 2 Lesser Redpolls and a Goldfinch at Bischop’s Glen…also 24 Purple Sandpipers and 52 Turnstones again at Dunoon crazy golf (Alistair McGregor/Donnie McFarlane/George Newall).

18th December
KINTYRE: The 2CY Iceland Gull is still at Strath Farm (Laggan) and a new juvenile (1CY) is at Campbeltown harbour (Eddie Maguire).
COWAL: At Dunoon crazy golf today: 23 Purple Sandpipers, 3 Redshank and 1 Turnstone just before high tide, but at least 50 Turnstones at the far end of the breakwater (George Newall).

16th December
TIREE: The drake Green-winged Teal is still on Loch a’ Phuill today (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: A male and female Pochard at south Loch Awe (between Ford and Braevallich) today and the first I have ever seen in Argyll. Lots of Woodcock at the moment with 6 this morning has been the most and their numbers have been building up past few weeks. A Herring Gull has been displaying to a Great Black Back at the fish farm at Braevallich. It was doing this over the summer and has started again…..(Alan Dykes). At Loch Gilp this morning: 173 Wigeon, 6 Shelduck, 14 Bar-tailed Godwits and 12 Redshanks (Jim Dickson).

14th December
TIREE: Male Green-winged Teal again at Loch a’ Phuill at lunchtime today – also 3 Scaup there including a new male (John Bowler).
ISLAY: Martin Armstrong reports that the ‘Siberian’ Lesser Whitethroat is back in his garden at Glenegedale…was last seen on 19th Nov.

12th December
COWAL: Alistair McGregor and George Newall saw a Great Crested Grebe near Blairmore on Loch Long today.

11th December
MID-ARGYLL: A Common Snipe in my garden at Cairnbaan was first seen there for over 10 years. On the Add/Loch Crinan WeBS count today a nice look at a juvenile White-tailed Eagle (Jim Dickson). A Little Egret was at Loch Gilp, by the front green around 09:45 today (David Bridge)
COWAL: A single Brambling in my garden in Dunoon briefly this morning and 12 Long-tailed Tits feeding frantically on fat and peanuts (George Newall).

10th December
MID-ARGYLL: A Great Skua was at Loch Crinan (off Duntrune Castle) this afternoon. Also a male Hen Harrier in the Moine Mhor area seen occasionally recently and a flock of 10 Reed Buntings (Sandy Mitchell). 12 Greenland White-fronts near Ulva Lagoons, 13 Golden Plovers , a male Hen Harrier and 2 Ravens at Danna, a Goldcrest at Keills and a Greenshank at Linne Mhuirich (Morag Rea).
TIREE: A male Green-winged Teal new at Loch a’ Phuill today – also 2 imm/f Scaup there and 1 Slavonian Grebe (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: The 2CY Iceland Gull is still at Strath, the Laggan today (Eddie Maguire).
NORTH ARGYLL: A walk up Glen Creran, at Loch Baile Mhic Chailein produced 10 Whoopers including 3 imms, the largest group I’ve ever found there. Also 2 Goldcrests and 2 Treecreepers in one tree, 5 Siskins in another and 5 Long-tailed Tits in another. My WeBS vantage point at Dalrannoch, Loch Creran came up trumps with 53 Teal and a Little Egret! (Robin Harvey).

8th December
MID-ARGYLL: In the garden at Cairnbaan…finches responding well to food provided in snowy conditions- 85 Chaffinch, 4 Greenfinch and 18 House Sparrows (Jim Dickson).
NORTH ARGYLL: I’m visiting from Surrey and delighted to see a Hen Harrier flying low over fields today at Barcaldine (Annette Clayson). A male Hen Harrier photographed through my kitchen window at Rhugarbh Croft, Appin, today at 1.20pm (Mary Gregory).

6th December
MID-ARGYLL: Two Little Grebes at the head of Loch Gilp today but no sign of the Kingfisher (Jim Dickson).

5th December
MID-ARGYLL: David Jardine reports that the male Pied-billed Grebe is still at Loch Feorlin today. At Loch nan Druimnean (Kilmelford) there were 11 Tufted Ducks and 2 Little Grebes (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: A Chiffchaff was at Balephuil and a Pied Wagtail was at Balemartine today (John Bowler).

4th December
TIREE: 2 Snow Bunting, 6 Goldfinch and 8 Shelduck at Miodar, 1,800 Golden Plover at Traigh Bhagh and 1,800 Barnacle Geese at Balephetrish Bay (John Bowler).

3rd December
KINTYRE: At the Machrihanish SBO early afternoon produced a Long-tailed Duck in with the Common Goldeneye (10), a female Northern Pintail in with Mallards (17) and 2 Eurasian Wigeon (Eddie Maguire).
COWAL: A Blackbird with some white markings in Dunoon today (Donnie MacFarlane).
TIREE: 1 Common Redpoll at Balephuil plus 6 Snow Buntings in flight there (John Bowler).

2nd December
ISLAY: John Nadin has been over on the island in the last couple of days searching through the geese he saw at least 4 Cackling and 1 Todd’s (interior) Canada. Also the Little Egret was still at Kennacraig, Kintyre on 29 Nov.
MID-ARGYLL: A group of 4 Black-throated Divers off Ardrishaig today. Also 15 Siskins in a flock at Achabraid, on road over to Ormsary (Jim Dickson).

1st December
MID-ARGYLL: Malcolm Chattwood has been seeing a ‘pair’ of crows (Carrion and Hooded) regularly at Kilmichael Glassary (nr Lochgilphead). Very few records of pure Carrion Crow pairs in Mid-Argyll. A female Kingfisher was fishing from the Lochgilphead pier, Loch Gilp this morning (Jim Dickson). At the windfarm east of Ormsary today were 8 Snow Buntings (Errol Crutchfield).
KINTYRE: Four Bullfinch (3m, 1f) in our garden on the Kennacraig to Claonaig Rd (Val Wells).

30th November
MID-ARGYLL: Caught on film – the elusive Ardrishaig Magpie! Actually not so elusive as on the shore and in trees outside the Grey Gull hotel this afternoon. Also 8 Long-tailed Tits in the garden at Cairnbaan late afternoon in failing light (Jim Dickson).

29th November
KINTYRE: A male Hen Harrier appeared several times at the Aros Moss today when the light was good (Eddie Maguire).
TIREE: Now 26 Snow Buntings at Traigh Bhagh (John Bowler).

28th November
ISLAY: A Todd’s Canada Goose was at Loch Indaal, Islay this morning before flying off north; also 7 Snow Buntings on the Strand there and an immature Iceland Gull was at the south end of Loch Gruinart (Steve Duffield). The Todd’s Canada Goose and the Cackling Goose now together with Barnacles at Kinnabus, after the Cornabus flock moved onto the reserve this morning. Also single Brent Goose with them (Dave Wood).
KINTYRE: The regular 2CY Iceland Gull was on the floods at Strath Farm, the Laggan (Eddie Maguire).

26th November
MID-ARGYLL: ABC trip to Loch Gilp and the Add Estuary today – attended by 14 folk and 50+ species seen.
COWAL: Alistair McGregor managed to get a photo of a very wet Barn Owl…

25th November
COWAL: The Little Egret is still at the Holy Loch, also there a total of 37 Canada Geese. Four Crossbills on sitka spruce in Glen Massan and at crazy golf, Dunoon were 10 Purple Sandpipers and approx. 24 Turnstones (Alsistair McGregor/Donnie McFarlane).

24th November
TIREE: The female Hawfinch again at Balephuil today, also a m Blackcap and a Greenfinch (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: Two White-tailed Eagles on the coast between Carsaig and Crinan (Lottie Goodlet).

23rd November
TIREE: The female Hawfinch still at Balephuil today (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: A non-birding stay in Oban….this morning…. 2 White-tailed Eagles were soaring over the Tesco car park then 10 minutes later…a juvenile bird drifted above the town promenade…oh how times have changed! (Jim Dickson).

22nd November
ISLAY: Mike Peacock has been counting Great Northern Divers at the mouth of Loch Indaal as they come in to roost. Counting congregating birds at roost has been used on Mull by David Shackleton as a means to monitoring this species numbers. Today birds started to congregate off Laggan Point from 15:30 to 1640, with groups swimming out of Loch Indaal with others swimming from further down the loch. Two loose flocks formed one of 75, the other 56 :– total of 131 birds.
TIREE: And now a female Hawfinch at Balephuil! Also 1 Chiffchaff still there and 1 Woodcock plus 1 Greenfinch (John Bowler).

20th November
MID-ARGYLL: A Magpie close to the Bridge House in Ardrishaig…the first I’ve seen in Mid-Argyll in over 30 years (Maureen Mackintosh).
COWAL: Ian Giles has kindly send one of his shots of the Kingfisher at Sandbank taken in Sep.

19th November
KINTYRE: Strath Farm (The Laggan); still around 100 Whooper Swan + present along with 214 Canada Geese, 690 Greylag Geese, 1,040 Greenland White-fronted Geese, 11 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Lapwing and the usual 2CY Iceland Gull (Eddie Maguire).
ISLAY: Flat calm conditions this morning on Loch Indaal – a total of 110 Great Northern Divers, with communal fishing groups of 16, 14, 13, 14 & 18 interestingly they were calling to each other within the group when they were on the surface, then all diving together (Mike Peacock).
COWAL: A Kingfisher at Inver (Strathlachlan) and also 4 Mandarin Ducks at Hazelbank-Ardnagowan (Strachur) close to the shoreline on same afternoon (Bob and Sue Furness).

18th November
TIREE: The male Hawfinch again at Balephuil today, also 1 Chiffchaff and 2 Sparrowhawk there (John Bowler).
COWAL: The Little Egret made a brief appearance at the Holy Loch this morning (Alistair McGregor).
MID-ARGYLL: Now 3 Greenland White-fronts at Barsloisnoch today (James Lehmann). 18 Fieldfares and 6 Mistle Thrush in the Lochgilphead hospital grounds this morning (Jim Dickson).
KINTYRE: A report of a Barn Swallow at Bellochantuy on 8 Nov (Davie Robertson per Eddie Maguire).

16th November
KINTYRE: At Strath Farm (The Laggan), the 2CY Iceland Gull was present along with 100+ Whooper Swans, 2 Common Shelducks, 142 European Wigeon and 80 + Sky Lark (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: A Nuthatch at James Lehmann’s feeders – at Barsloisnoch, Moine Mhor today. A Leach’s Storm Petrel flew past Braevallich (SW of Eredine), Loch Awe today about 20 metres away (Alan Dykes).
TIREE: Sea-watch off Aird in NW7-8 with squalls 0745-0845hrs produced (all heading W):2 Leach’s Petrels, 1 Pomarine Skua, 6 Little Auk, 115 Fulmar, 415 Kittiwake, 465 Gannet, 1,560 large auk (mostly Razorbills), 14 Great Northern Diver, 7 Red-throated Diver and 6 Black Guillemot. Also 1 Lapland Bunting at Balephetrish Hill, 1 Chiffchaff and 2 Goldcrests at Balephuil – no further sign of the Hawfinch (John Bowler).

15th November
TIREE: A male Hawfinch at Balephuil this morning – also 1m Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest and 2 Sparrowhawks and 1 Goldfinch at Heanish (John Bowler).
MULL: The Little Egret is still at Fishnish today (per Alan Spellman).

14th November
KINTYRE: The Little Egret was at Kennacraig at 1.10 and again at 2.30 today (Val Wells and David Bridge).
MID-ARGYLL: Only 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese back at Barsloisnoch (Moine Mhor) today – a dwindling population (James Lehmann).
COWAL: The Little Egret is still at the Holy Loch, Dunoon and in the area/Clyde waters – 8 Common Guillemots, 4 Black Guillemots, a single Long-tailed Duck. Also lots of Goldfinch, 1 Greenfinch, and at George Newall’s garden – a Brambling (Alistair McGregor).
TIREE: A juvenile Iceland Gull was new at West Hynish (John Bowler).

12th November
KINTYRE: At Strath Farm (The Laggan); Whooper Swans had increased to 217 on flooded barley that could not be harvested. Also there, 577 White-fronted Geese, 2 Pink-feet, 100+ Greylags, 2 Common Shelduck, a Sparrowhawk, 800 Golden Plover, 1,000+ Herring Gull, an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, a 2CY Iceland Gull, 2 Stonechat and 40 Redwing (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: Four Whooper Swans (2ads + 2 juvs), 340 Canada and 110 Greylag Geese and an odd Barnacle Goose hybrid at Dunadd. Also 12 Fieldfares nearby (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: George Newall had 5 Jays in his garden at Bishop’s Glen, Dunoon today.

7th November
ISLAY: The Lesser Whitethroat (probable Siberian race blythi ) is back in Martin Armstrong’s garden at Glenegedale….feeding on peanuts! A Little Egret was at Carnain, Bridgend this morning (Mike Peacock) and 2 birds there in the afternoon (per Ian Brooke). Also a Kingfisher on the River Sorn and later this afternoon a drake Green-winged Teal at RSPB Loch Gruinart (James How per Ian Brooke).

5th November
TIREE: A new Hawfinch at Balephuil today –this time a male! Also 2 Chiffchaff and 2 Goldcrest still there. The imm male Ring-necked Duck and imm Scaup still at Loch a’ Phuill, plus 1 Little Grebe, 4 Gadwall, 2 Pintail and 16 Goldfinch there (John Bowler).
ISLAY: A Lesser Whitethroat today in Martin Armstrong’s garden at Glenegedale…perhaps a bird of eastern origin (Martin Armstrong per David Wood).
COWAL: This afternoon Alistair McGregor counted 16 Grey Herons at the Holy Loch, Dunoon. The Kingfisher was also present and a Goldeneye. At least 4 Crossbills were at Benmore gardens.
MULL: The Little Egret is still at Fishnish (Debbie Thorne).

4th November
MULL: A Great White Egret was at Dervaig today (Helen & Andy Mortley, also Cheryl Callow).
TIREE: The imm male Ring-necked Duck at Loch a’ Phuill, also imm Scaup, 4 Gadwall and 30 Goldeneye there. No sign of yesterday’s Hawfinch at Balephuil but 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest, 1m Blackcap and 60 Redwing there. 2 Pale-b Brents at Salum Bay (John Bowler).
COWAL: 14 Purple Sandpipers and 2 Turnstones at Dunoon Crazy Golf this morning (George Newall).