29th December
ISLAY: Mike Peacock sent through images showing some of the large numbers of Twite at The Oa (biggest UK concentrations)….today – 384 at Upper Killeyan, Oa , also 61 Great Nothern and 5 Red-throated Diver swimming out of Loch Indaal to roost Laggan Point.

23rd December
MID-ARGYLL: A flock of 16 Waxwings at the Avenue in grounds of Inveraray Castle this morning (Glyn Toplis).
TIREE: A male Green-winged Teal new at Loch a’ Phuill today in amongst 320 Teal – also 3 Ring-necked Duck, 1f Scaup, 1m Pochard (John Bowler).
20th December
KINTYRE: Yesterday – now 6 Northern Shoveler at Campbeltown Loch – an outstanding Argyll mainland occurrence. Also, 3 Gadwall and a Common Scoter at Machrihanish (Eddie Maguire).

18th December
MID-ARGYLL: An adult Little Gull at the head of Loch Gilp mid-afternoon today (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: Still 3 Ring-necked Ducks back at Loch a’ Phuill with 1m Pochard and 1 Coot. Also 2 Coot at Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler).
17th December
COWAL: Two Little Egrets at the Holy Loch this morning (Andrew Mcfarlane).
ISLAY: Still a Little Egret at Loch Gruinart yesterday (per Islaybirds).
15th December
KINTYRE: Short Eared Owl at Carradale Golf Course this morning, also 70+Chaffinch, 16 Goldfinch ,13 Greenfinch,and a Brambling at the garden feeders (Alasdair Paterson).
14th December
TIREE: All 3 Ring-necked Ducks (1m, 1f and 1 imm male) were back in the windy gloom at Loch Bhasapol at lunch-time with 3 Coot. 2CY Ring-billed Gull again at Sandaig (John Bowler).
12th December
KINTYRE: The Little Egret was seen again today at the head of West Loch Tarbert (Ian & Margaret Brooke).
11th December
TIREE: 2CY Ring-billed Gull again at Sandaig, a juv Kumlien’s (Iceland) Gull flew south at West Hynish, male and female Ring-necked Duck with 1m Pochard at Loch a’ Phuill, 1CY male Ring-necked Duck with 3 Coot at Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler).
10th December
TIREE: The Todd’s Canada Goose again at Caoles (John Bowler).
ISLAY: A juvenile Iceland Gull was at Outer LochIndaal today (Mike Peackock per Ian Brooke. COWAL: Now 25 Purple Sandpipers at Dunoon crazy golf (George Newall).
9th December
COWAL: Little Egret still at the head of the Holy Loch, also a Greenshank (Alistair McGregor).
KINTYRE: A Little Egret was at the head of West Loch Tarbert (Malcolm Chattwood). At Campbeltown today: 5 Shoveler – inc 3 adult m, a 1CY m and a f (Eddie Maguire).
TIREE: Drake and female Ring-necked Duck at Loch a’ Phuill also 1m Pochard there. Imm male Ring-necked Duck at Loch Bhasapol with 3 Coot (John Bowler).
NORTH ARGYLL: At Loch Creran today highlights included – 17 White-fronted Geese, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit and 1 Greenshank (Robin Harvey).

4th December
TIREE: Presumed Todd’s Canada Goose again at Caoles today (John Bowler).
COWAL: 38 Turnstones and 22 Purple Sandpipers at Dunoon crazy golf – also Little Egret still at the Holy Loch (Alistair McGregor).
MID-ARGYLL: At Loch Gilp this morning – 2 Red Knot, 5 Bar-tailed Godwit and a single Shelduck. At Barsloisnoch/Moine Mhor only 3 Greenland White-fronted Geese in the ever decreasing wintering flock there (Jim Dickson).
3rd December
ISLAY: A drake Green-winged Teal at Loch Gruinart today (first report this autumn/winter), Bramblings still at Kilchoman and a Little Egret there on Sat 1st Dec (per Ian Brooke).
TIREE: The 3 Ring-necked Duck are still at Loch Bhasapol, also 3 Coot there (John Bowler).
2nd December
COLONSAY: A Great Crested Grebe this morning feeding off Oronsay (Patrick Styles) – always a good record away from mainland Argyll and a first confirmed for Colonsay/Oronsay!
KINTYRE: On Gigha yesterday – highlights from David & Janet Jardine included: Grey Wagtail at the south pier, female Shoveler at West Tarbert, and 5 different Water Rails in marshes at Leim and Tarbert.
MID-ARGYLL: A Kingfisher at Loch Gilp this morning – also a 1CY Lesser Black Backed Gull there yesterday.
KINTYRE: Now 3 male Shoveler at Campbeltown Loch (were 2 on 28-29 Nov) – Eddie Maguire.
30th November
COWAL: In Loch Long near Gairletter: a single Great Crested Grebe and about 500 meters from it a Slavonian Grebe, and at the holy loch hide 1 Greenshank ,1 Little Egret and 2 Knot (Alistair McGregor).
29th November
MID-ARGYLL: In Loch Fyne (south of Ardrishaig to Inverneil) – many Guillemots and Razorbills plus at least 3 Little Auks presumably blown in after yesterdays storm. Also 5 Great Northern , 3 Black-throated and 5 Red-throated Divers (Jim Dickson). Alan Dykes reports an increase in Woodcock numbers in past month few each morning on the section between Ford & Braevallich however 12 yesterday. In Slockavullin today David Pearson had a Brambling and a Yellowhammer visit.
COWAL: A Kingfisher at the Holy Loch this morning (Andrew McFarlane).
25th November
KINTYRE: Strath; 100 Greylags inc a collared bird / orange collar / black text = B|PD (Irish scheme). Campbeltown Loch; 169 Oystercatcher, 77 Curlew (Eddie Maguire).

24th November
MID-ARGYLL: The ABC Loch Gilp & Add Estuary trip was well attended with 14 folk. A total of 61 species were noted and excellent views of 2 Kingfishers at Loch Gilp and 2 Little Egret at the Add Estuary. Other birds of note were a Merlin at Dalvore, Grey Wagtail at Loch Gilp and 3 Black-throated Divers off Ardrishaig (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: At the Holy Loch – now 2 Little Egrets being reported.
23rd November
MID-ARGYLL: Still 2 Little Egrets at the Add Estuary this morning. A first returning Shelduck at Loch Gilp and 3 Black-throated Divers off Ardrishaig early afternoon today (Jim Dickson).
KINTYRE: A Great White Egret was seen at Aros farm (nr Machrihanish airfield) around 8.30 am, flushed by a tractor, then flew south towards Chiscan (Kevin Hamilton).
22nd November
KINTYRE: At Campbeltown Loch; a colour ringed Oystercatcher and Curlew, 40 Wigeon, 23 Teal and 60 Ruddy Turnstones. Note the MSBO closed for the winter on 10 Nov (Eddie Maguire).
21st November
MID-ARGYLL: A Nuthatch frequenting Tayvallich again last few days (Chris Todd). 4 White-tailed Eagles all together, over Island of Danna yesterday. No further sighting of the Hen Harrier or the Merlin on 18 -19th around Kilmory area – Loch Sween (Ali Ross). A female Blackcap in the garden at Cairnbaan eating bird cherries early afternoon today (Jim Dickson).
NORTH ARGYLL: A Nuthatch still frequenting a garden in Barcaldine – also a male Blackcap and several Brambling recently (Doung Fontaine).
COWAL: Little Egret and a Greenshank still at the Holy Loch yesterday and today (Alistair McGregor).
ISLAY: A report of a Bean Goose from Kilmeny (Ballygrant) Islay yesterday (Cathrine Fotheringham per Ian Brooke). A Great White Egret today Laphroaig then later at the edge of Loch Kinnabus (The Oa), landing briefly several times, then lost flying east over hill, possibly just back to coast or potentially N.Ireland or Kintyre (David Wood). A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was with Barnacle Geese at Rockside today (Mark & Sally Johnson per Ian Broke). Also a Little Egret over Machit Bay yesterday (Armin Grewe per Ian Brooke).
17th November
COWAL: Little Egret again at the Holy Loch and a Nuthatch at the Benmore gardens hide today (Alistair McGregor).
16th November
KINTYRE: 2 Tree Sparrows at the feeders in Port Righ, Carradale this morning (Alasdair Paterson).
COLONSAY: A male Blackcap – also 2 Greenfinch in the garden at Kilchattan today (Margaret Keirnen).
COWAL: The Little Egret is still at the Holy Loch – also a Kingfisher at Benmore gardens bridge (Alistair McGregor).
TIREE: The Ring-billed Gull again at Sandaig (from 11 Nov) – it finally gave flight views revealing it to be a second-winter 2CY bird, so may well be the returning bird that spent Jan -Mar 2018 as a first-winter 2CY bird at the same location. The 3 Ring-necked Ducks (1m, 1f, 1 imm m) still at Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler).
15th November
TIREE: 1 mid-sized thin-necked vagrant Canada Goose (Todd’s?) in with the Barnacle Geese at Caoles, also the 1CY Dotterel again at Scarinish (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: The Little Egret was at Loch Crinan this morning (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: A pair of Peregrine seen at the water treatment plant in Dunoon today (Cherry Cook).
ISLAY: A 2CY Iceland Gull was at the Oa today (David Wood per Ian Brooke).
NORTH ARGYLL: A Little Egret reported from east side of Aird’s Bay, Taynuilt (per Malcolm Chattwood).
14th November
COWAL: A Blackcap today in George Newall’s garden at Bishop’s Glen, Dunoon. A Kingfisher was at St Catherines today (Neil Hammatt).
13th November
TIREE: 3 Ring-necked Ducks (ad m, ad f, 2cy m) showing better in the sunshine at Loch Bhasapol at lunch-time – also 1 Coot there (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: Little Egret still at the Add Estuary – near the Islandadd bridge (Fiona Dickson).
MULL: Cattle Egret still at Calgary machair today (Bill Allan).
12th November
TIREE: The 1CY Dotterel was at Scarinish again. 3 (ad male, female & 1CY male), Ring-necked Duck together at Loch Bhasapol – also 1 Coot there, 1 Little Egret flew east at Balephetrish Hill and landed at Loch Aulaig, a flock of 16 Jackdaws at Loch an Eilein barn, 5 Black-tailed Godwits, 1m Pochard and 1 imm/f Greater Scaup at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler).
ISLAY: A Coot was at Loch Skerrols – also pair of Pochard still present, 125 Whoopers, 19 Tufted Duck and an imm White-tailed Eagle which caused a massive panic amongst the geese, swans & duck (Mike Peacock).
MID-ARGYLL: A Waxwing at Black Lynn (between Tesco and Lidl car parks) in Oban early afternoon (Stuart Gibson / Jim Dickson). A male Blackcap and 3 Jays in Scammadale garden today (Bill Alan). A Brambling at Stonefield today (Anne Lavelle).
COWAL: A male Brambling on feeders at Millhouse.
KINTYRE: A 1CY Mediterranean Gull off Carradale Bay (Neil Hammatt).
11th November
TIREE: An adult Ring-billed Gull today in with the Common Gulls at Sandaig (John Bowler). Yesterday 8 Snow Bunting at Gott Bay (Steph Cope).
MID-ARGYLL: The Little Egret seen again at the Add Estuary this morning during WeBS count – also a flock of 310 Redwings near Barsloisnoch Farm (Jim Dickson). A male Blackcap was at Stonefield today (Anne Lavelle). Near Barsloisnoch 2 Greenland White-fronts have now appeared…nos less each year! (David Jardine).
MULL: The Cattle Egret was still at the Calgary machair yesterday – also a Jack Snipe seen (David Jardine).
KINTYRE: At the Kilmichael floods; 5 tundra Bean Geese in with 304 White-fronts, 150 Greylag and 49 feral Canada. Also, 241 Eurasian Wigeon and 45 Northern Lapwing there. (Eddie Maguire with Peter Nash / Nick Curtis).
COWAL: A good WeBS count at the Holy Loch today with highlights of – 4 Goldeneye, 4 Little Grebe, 242 Oystercatcher, 8 Lapwing, 78 Curlew, 1 Greenshank and 60 Redshank (George Newall).
31st October
COLONSAY: A Common Crane flew over Oronsay late afternoon today – also the Cackling Goose still present (Patrick Styles).
KINTYRE: A Little Egret was on the river at Waterfoot, Carradale today (Steve Redwood).
TIREE: 1 Goldcrest and 2 Blackcap (1m,1f) at Balephuil today and yesterday: 2 Mealy Redpoll and 1m Blackcap at Balephuil, 30 Goldeneye at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler).
29th October
COLONSAY: On Oronsay the Cackling Goose was seen again today (Patrick Styles).
MID-ARGYLL: 3 Red Kites over the forestry SW of Ardrishaig, 2 came in really high from the NE, over Loch Gilp, and continued south, the other drifted south then back north late afternoon (Tome Lowe). A report (per Birdguides) of a Red-necked Grebe on Loch Etive, 2km east of Connel. Up to 5 Brambling were in the garden in Connel this morning (Mike Harrison).
TIREE: 1 Leach’s Petrel flying close in amongst the breakers at Gott Bay today – also 1 Grey Phalarope there (John Bowler).
28th October
TIREE: A juv Glaucous Gull was new at Loch a’ Phuill today. Also single Brambling at Balephuil and Balemartine (John Bowler).
27th October
MID-ARGYLL: The Little Egret is still at the Add Estuary (David Pearson). 5 Greenshank together at north end if Scotnish this afternoon (Doug Menzies).
KINTYRE: On the ABC field trip to the Sound 0f Gigha today – highlights among 54 species noted included – a pr of Golden Eagle, strong passage of Skylark and Meadow Pipits, 800+ Greenland White-fronts plus 2 Barnacle Geese, 6 Slavonian Grebe, 10+ Great Northern Diver and 10+ Common Scoter.
COWAL: At the head of the Holy Loch on 26 Oct – 2 Whimbrel, 1 Greenshank and the Little Egret roosting with 8 Grey Heron (Alistair McGregor).
26th October
KINTYRE: At Strath, the Laggan on 24th Oct 5 Greylag Geese included a neck-collared bird from the Irish Greylag Geese scheme (Eddie Maguire). In Carradale – Alisdair Paterson now has 11 Brambling coming to his feeders and a record for there.
COWAL: Off Dunoon Crazy golf on 25th Oct – first returning Purple Sandpipers noted with 6 birds there (George Newall).
COLONSAY: On the Oronsay reserve on 24th Oct – 54 Greenland White-fronted Geese (15 juvs) – (Patrick Styles).
MULL: The Cattle Egret was still present at Calgary – to 25th Oct at least (Anand Prasad).
MID-ARGYLL: A Little Egret at the Add Estuary today (James Lehman) and possibly there yesterday as well. A Kingfisher at the head of Loch Gilp this morning (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: Seawatch highlights from Aird early morning included – 1 Pomarine Skua, 3 Great Skua and 2 Manx Shearwater (John Bowler).
ISLAY: At The Oa reserve – good numbers of Redwing (800 min) and 200 Fieldfare today, also 360 White-fronted Geese, a Chiffchaff and 6 Brambling (David Wood).
23rd October
Mull: The Cattle Egret was still showing near the graveyard at Calgary today.
MID-ARGYLL: A Coot was seen at Ulva lagoon yesterday (Ali Ross).
COWAL: The Little Egret is still at the Holy Loch (Alistair McGregor). A Nuthatch was at feeders in a Glenbranter garden on Sat 20th (Willie Harrison).
TIREE: A 1CY Dotterel at Scarinish – presumably same as bird there earlier in the month – (John Bowler/Andy Robinson). Also an imm Pomarine Skua off Aird during seawatch at first light (John Bowler).
21st October
MID-ARGYLL: More Redwing about today in small flocks. A Kingfisher was at the Corran / head of Loch Gilp (David Pearson). No sign of yesterday’s Bonapartes’s Gull there today – 4 Pink-footed Geese and 3 Whoopers flew over (Jim Dickson).