MID-ARGYLL: At Loch Gilp this morning: 195 Wigeon, 14 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Red Knot and a Pied Wagtail (Jim Dickson). Lynsey Gibson saw a juv White-tailed Eagle at the head of Loch Gilp on 14 Dec over the wader roost and has also been seeing a male Hen Harrier this morning and previous two mornings in the Lochgilphead meadows nr the Cairnbaan hotel, plus a male Brambling in Ardrishaig on 16 Dec and recent return visits of a Nuthatch. The hybrid Canada Goose again in fields at Dunadd (suggestions on a post card..), and 31 Meadow Pipits at Drimvore (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: 10 Long-tailed Tits, 2 Lesser Redpolls and a Goldfinch at Bischop’s Glen…also 24 Purple Sandpipers and 52 Turnstones again at Dunoon crazy golf (Alistair McGregor/Donnie McFarlane/George Newall).