Breeding Bird Survey
We are encouraging Argyll Bird Club members to take part in BTO Breeding Bird Survey fieldwork in Argyll. Maps showing the squares available for survey work are shown below. If you are interested in taking part in this interesting and worthwhile survey please contact Nigel Scriven e-mail:
The BTO would be very grateful for help surveying BBS squares in Argyll in order to improve our bird population trend estimates in Scotland. These maps show the locations of available BBS squares in the area (in red), and detailed OS maps can be seen by going to and replacing the grid reference in the web address with the grid reference of interest. Surveying a BBS square involves just two early-morning visits during the breeding season to count all birds seen or heard while walking around the square. More information, including the full instructions, can be found on the BBS website at

The Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)
This is the BTO scheme which monitors non-breeding waterbirds in the UK. The principal aims of WeBS are to identify population sizes, determine trends in numbers and distribution and to identify important sites for waterbirds. The monthly counts concentrate on the months September – March but some sites are counted all through the year.
Mainland Argyll counts are currently carried out by: Jan Brown/Julia Randall (Loch Craignish), Robert Devine (Loch Long: Ardentinny-Strone Point), Jim Dickson (Loch Crinan), , Robin Harvey (Dunstaffnage Bay, Loch Creran), David Jardine (Loch Ederline, Loch Gilp, Loch Leathan), Barbara McMillan (West Loch Tarbert), Ian McPherson (Loch Tulla), George Newall (Holy Loch) and Katie Pendreigh (Sound of Gigha).
We are always keen to recruit new counters and are looking for coverage of several sites on Mull, Campbeltown Loch and Loch Feochan (nr. Oban) in particular, although we can usually find a site near you. If you think you might be interested please contact: Mainland Argyll & Mull: Nigel Scriven email: Islay, Jura & Colonsay: David Wood email: Tiree & Coll: John Bowler email: