30th December
TIREE: A TODD’S CANADA GOOSE with Barnacle Geese at Kenovay (John Bowler).

29th December
TIREE: Two female RING-NECKED DUCK at Loch Bhasapol – also the BARN OWL again at Balephuil (John Bowler).

18th December
COWAL: Adult BONAPARTE’S GULL at Otter Ferry this morning. Neil Hammatt returned today with his camera and confirmed his thoughts of yesterday. Bird flew north up Loch Fyne.

17th December
COWAL: A suspected BONAPARTE’S GULL today at Otter Ferry (Neil Hammatt) – unfortunately Neil didn’t have camera to hand but features sound good for one.
15th December
TIREE: Now 3 RING-NECKED DUCK on the island – 2 females at Loch Bhasapol and a male at Loch a’ Phuill. Also a TODD’S CANADA GOOSE again at Ruaig yesterday (John Bowler).
14th December
MID-ARGYLL: An adult LITTLE GULL was at Loch Gilp this afternoon (Jim Dickson).

12th December
MID-ARGYLL: An adult ICELAND GULL reported by Stuart Crutchfield at (west) Connel.
COWAL: An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was at Otter Ferry spit (Neil Hammatt).

6th December
ISLAY: At least 7 JACK SNIPE were flushed around Kinnabus farm, The Oa (David Dinsley). This is very much an under recorded species therefore any other records will be gratefully received.
3rd December
ISLAY: A LAPLAND BUNTING today in with the Twite at Kinnabus on The Oa (David Dinsley).

30th November
TIREE: A 1cy male PINE BUNTING was in John Bowler’s garden at Balephuil yesterday morning for about an hour before flying off high to the NE. If accepted by the BBRC this will be another new species for Tiree and Argyll and the fourth new species as such found by John since mid-Sep!

17th November
TIREE: The adult female RING-NECKED DUCK was seen again at Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler).
16th November
MID-ARGYLL: A 1cy VELVET SCOTER was at Loch Gilp – far side (east) from Ardrishaig – a rare record for this site (David Jardine).
TIREE: A TODD’S CANADA GOOSE was with Barnacle Geese at Kirkapol today (John Bowler).
15th November
TIREE: The male FIRECREST was seen again at Balephuill today. Also 2 SNOW BUNTINGS were at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler)
13th November
ISLAY: A female type BLACK REDSTART at Finlaggan visitor centre at 1pm today (Keith & Rosie Barnes).
MID-ARGYLL: A GREAT CRESTED GREBE just off the front green at Loch Gilp around 9am this morning (Lynsey Gibson).
TIREE: A male GREEN-WINGED TEAL was at Loch a’ Phuill today (John Bowler).
12th November
ISLAY: A juvenile ICELAND GULL today at Kilnaughton Bay (Dan Brown).
TIREE: A GREY PHALAROPE was noted off Hynish during a sea-watch there today (John Bowler).
9th November
TIREE: A male FIRECREST today at Balephuil (John Bowler) – only the second record for the island. Also – TODD’S CANADA GOOSE at Ruaig, juvenile AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER at Loch a’ Phuill and adult female RING-NECKED DUCK again at Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: A report of a GREAT GREY SHRIKE on wires by the Croabh Haven junction on Sat 7th Nov (Stu Crutchfield).
6th November
MID-ARGYLL: The long staying PIED-BILLED GREBE is still present at Loch Feorlin (David Jardine, Jim Dickson). A ‘possible’ 1cy Yellow-legged Gull at Loch Gilp this afternoon (Jim Dickson).
ISLAY: Male AMERICAN WIGEON is still at Loch Skerrols and a ‘possible’ 1cy female Lesser Scaup there – also a TODD’S CANADA GEESE still at Gruinart farm (Dan Brown). A 1cy GLAUCOUS GULL was at Kilnaighton Bay (David Dinsley).
TIREE: The juv AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER was again at Crossapol and TODD’S CANADA GOOSE at Balephetrish – both yesterday (John Bowler).
4th November
TIREE: A juvenile (1cy) AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER was found in a flock of 650 Golden Plovers at Crossapol, adult female RING-NECKED DUCK again at Loch Bhasapol, however no further sign of the Hume’s Warbler today (John Bowler).

3rd November
TIREE: The suspected HUME’S WARBLER was again in the garden at Balephuil today and now calling enabling it to be confirmed as a HUME’S as opposed to the much more common and similar YELLOW-BROWED. If accepted by the BBRC this will be another new species for Argyll – the third that John Bowler has found in his garden since mid-Sept (Yellow-bellied Flycatcher & Dusky Warbler being the other two..).
COLL: A BLACK REDSTART at Totronald today (Ben Jones).
ISLAY: A juvenile GLAUCOUS GULL today at Gruinart flats (Dan Brown).

2nd November
KINTYRE: A juvenile ICELAND GULL and an adult GLAUCOUS GULL flew past the Machrihanish seabird obs within 30 mins of each other (Eddie Maguire).
ISLAY: A CRANE sp seen nr Ballygrant flying E overhead towards Ballygrant Loch at height of 40-50 ft around 3.30 pm (Gary Turnbull).
TIREE: A male GREEN-WINGED TEAL at Loch a’ Phuill today (John Bowler). A bird showing the characteristics of HUMES’S WARBLER was at Balephuil yesterday (John Bowler)

31st October
ISLAY: An adult GLAUCOUS GULL off Bowmore, a CURLEW SANDPIPER and a TODD’S CANADA GOOSE at Gruinart flats today.
30th October
TIREE: An adult female RING-NECKED DUCK at Loch Bhasapol today (John Bowler).
ISLAY: The male AMERICAN WIGEON is still at Loch Skerrols, 1-2 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS at the Gruinart woodland trail, TODD’S CANADA GOOSE and a 1cy LITTLE GULL at Gruinart (Dan Brown, James How, Peter Roberts et al).
28th October
ISLAY: A first-winter (1cy) BLACK-HEADED BUNTING was seen and photographed briefly at Gruinart then flew off west (Dan Brown). Also reports of a BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER in with the Golden Plovers at Gruinart flats, a LEACH’S PETREL at Kilnaughton Bay and the male AMERICAN WIGEON is still at Loch Skerrols.

27th October
ISLAY: A male AMERICAN WIGEON was found at Loch Skerrols this morning (Dan Brown).

26th October
TIREE: Sea-watch off Aird 0705-0805hrs in NW7-8 with highlights of 2 SOOTY SHEARWATERS and 1 POMARINE SKUA. Also a YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER is still at Balephuil (John Bowler). A LITTLE EGRET was new today at Milton (Martin Finnigan).
ISLAY: The ROSY STARLING was noted again in Bowmore yesterday and a RING OUZEL was near Bruichladdich yesterday (Naturetrek group per Peter Roberts). Today – male GREEN-WINGED TEAL at Gruinart floods, adult SABINE’S GULL and juv ICELAND GULL at Loch Gruinart & WOOD SANDPIPER still present (Dan Brown per Twitter feed).
KINTYRE: A LEACH’S PETREL and an adult LITTLE GULL past Machrihanish Seabird Obs today – also Velvet Scoter and 4 Long-tailed Ducks (Eddie Maguire).

23rd October
MID-ARGYLL: A dead Swift was found in an Ardrishaig garden today – specific identity to be confirmed but thought to be a COMMON? (Alan Dykes).
KINTYRE: A Swift was seen at Machrihanish on 22nd Oct (Caroline & Bill Anderson) – identity not confirmed as to COMMON or PALLID.
ISLAY: The HOOPOE in the Bridgend area is still being seen.. The WOOD SANDPIPER is still present at Gruinart and recent reports of both CACKLING and TODD’S CANADA GEESE.
The Argyll total of YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS this autumn currently stands at 33 birds. Please get in touch if you have reports not already submitted – many thanks.
20th October
ISLAY: An imm (1cy) YELLOW WAGTAIL of ‘undetermined race’ was seen from the north hide at RSPB Gruinart reserve this morning (Elaine & Eddie Prince).
19th October
ISLAY: Adult ROSY STARLING in Bowmore today (per Ian Brooke) – presumably the same bird that has been seen there on and off since 18th June. A CACKLING GOOSE was noted at Grainel today (Steve Percival).
COWAL: An Argyll record site count of 8 LITTLE EGRETS at the Holy Loch today (George Newall, Alistair McGregor). N.b. At least another 6 birds elsewhere in Argyll.
TIREE: Three YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS and a ‘Siberian’ CHIFFCHAFF at Balephuil today. Also record numbers of Blue Tits recently with up to 6 birds at Balephuil (John Bowler).

18th October
ISLAY: A TODD’S CANADA GOOSE at Gruinart today (Steve Percival), WOOD SANDPIPER still near the north hide (Richard Belter) and now 2 CURLEW SANDPIPERS at Gruinart flats (per Ian Brooke).
JURA: A report of an adult HOBBY at Ardfin (nr Jura House) today from Louise Muir et al.
MULL: A report of a RED-NECKED GREBE from Eas Force, Loch Tuath (Pam & Arthur Brown)
15th October
ISLAY: A CURLEW SANDPIPER was at Gruinart flats this morning (Peter Roberts) and reports of 1-2 CACKLING GEESE – Gruinart/Ballinaby recently.
14th October
TIREE: A DUSKY WARBLER was at Balephuil today, skulking but very vocal – a new species for Argyll if accepted by the SBRC (John Bowler).

13th October
COWAL: a juvenile MARSH HARRIER in flight today at Auchalick Bay, mobbed by crows (Allister Hamilton).
TIREE: The 1cy RING-NECKED DUCK was seen better today and now sexed as a male, therefore an additional bird to the 1cy female last week at Loch a’ Phuill. Also a record count for Tiree of 4 Coal Tits at The Glebe (David Jardine).
MULL: A report of a RED KITE opposite the Salen hotel today (Jan & Peter Daisy).
12th October
ISLAY: A WOOD SANDPIPER at the north hide, RSPB Loch Gruinart again today – found yesterday by Richard Belter.
NORTH ARGYLL: A RED KITE this morning flying along the coast at Benderloch (Daniel Brooks).
TIREE: A COAL TIT at The Glebe (scarce visitor to the island) (David Jardine), a ‘Greenland’ NW REDPOLL, LESSER WHITETHROAT, 3 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS and a ‘Siberian’ CHIFFCHAFF were the highlights at Balephuil (John Bowler/David Jardine).

11th October
A total of 27 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS have been seen across Argyll so far this autumn since 27th Sep.
TIREE: 1CY fem RING-NECKED DUCK now at Loch Bhasapol (David Jardine). 3 Chiffchaffs new at Balephuil including a ‘Siberian’ CHIFFCHAFF and a LESSER WHITETHROAT was at Meningie (John Bowler).
10th October
TIREE: At least 12 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS on the island (John Bowler/David Jardine).
COLL: At least 4 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS on the island in recent days (per John Bowler).
9th October
TIREE: Off Aird today a sea-watch included: 1 SOOTY SHEARWATER and 1 POMARINE SKUA (John Bowler) plus 1 POMARINE SKUA off Vaul (David Jardine). Also 2+ YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS at Balephuil, 1 at Cornaigmore and 2 at Cornaigbeg (John Bowler) and 1 at Hynish (David Jardine).
MULL: A report of a juvenile SABINE’S GULL of Caliach Point (Arthur Brown per Mullbirds).
8th October
ISLAY: The HOOPOE is still being seen in the Bridgend area.
TIREE: Still at least 7 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS on the island today.
5th October
ISLAY: At least 7 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS were found on The Oa today (RSPB per Islaybirdblog).
4th October
ISLAY: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was seen today on The Oa during a circular walk (Nick Rentmore).