28th December
ISLAY: The drake GREEN-WINGED TEAL is still at Gruinart floods. Little Egret still there as well (David Jardine).

24th December
COWAL: A suspected adult type RING-BILLED GULL was noted at the Holy Loch today by Neil Hammatt but further views required to be certain. Neil also saw a 2cy Iceland Gull at the Head of Loch Striven
16th December
ISLAY: Two RUDDY SHELDUCK seen with Barnacle geese at Cornabus on the Oa today, found by Ed Burrell. Three previous Argyll records, last in 2008 when three turned up on Oronsay. This species is treated as an escape under Cat BE, although some occurrences in the UK may refer to genuine wild birds.

1st December
TIREE: David Jardine managed to get a photo of the male RING-NECKED DUCK at Loch a’ Phuill today.

30th November
KINTYRE: Four LESSER type Canada Geese – likely TODD’s nr Campbeltown airport – size of nearby GWF Geese. Also 2 Greater Canada’s there for comparison (Eddie Maguire).

29th November
TIREE: M + F RING-NECKED DUCK again at Loch a’ Phuill. Also a ‘Siberian’ CHIFFCHAFF in the garden at Balephuil (John Bowler).

27th November
MID-ARGYLL: The GREAT WHITE EGRET is still on Isle of Luing – islet off Cullippol (Jim Dickson/David Jardine).
TIREE: 1m and 1f Ring-necked Duck still at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler).

10th November
MID-ARGYLL: The GREAT WHITE EGRET was reported again – this time at Eilean Buidhe – west of Clachan Bridge, Seil Island (Hans Unkles per John Aitchison).
8th November
TIREE: A pair of Ring-necked Ducks (drake and female) new at Loch Bhasapol – presumably the returning pair from last winter. The Long-billed Dowitcher again with Golden Plovers at Sandaig and the Todd’s Canada Goose in with Barnacle Geese at Kirkapol (John Bowler).
30th October
TIREE: The 1cy LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER remains on the island in the Sandaig area. Also a ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff at Balephuil to at least 29th Oct (John Bowler).
25th October
TIREE: A juvenile female RING-NECKED DUCK new at Loch a’ Phuill this evening, also a ‘Siberian’ CHIFFCHAFF in the garden at Balephuil (John Bowler).
22nd October
ISLAY: A BAIRD’S SANDPIPER was found at Loch Gruinart today along with Dunlin there (James How).
TIREE: Yesterday – the juvenile LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER in with Golden Plover and Curlew at Middleton – the long-staying bird, first seen on 5th Oct and TODD’S CANADA GOOSE again with Barnacle Geese at Balephetrish.
20th October
MID-ARGYLL: The long staying GREAT WHITE EGRET back again since Fri on Seil island – at Balvicar after a spell back on Luing.

17th October
MULL: A LESSER WHITETHROAT was seen for 15 mins at Burnside, Lochdon today (Alison & John Harden).
16th October
ISLAY: A drake GREEN-WINGED TEAL was at Gruinart RSPB reserve today – seen from the south hide (Peter Roberts).
14th October
TIREE: A 1cy Red-breasted Flycatcher and Pied Flycatcher new in garden at Balephuil, Todd’s Canada Goose with 1,050 Barnacle Geese at Balephetrish, juv American Golden Plover again with over 1,000 Golden Plovers at Middleton and a new juv American Golden Plover at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler).

13th October
KINTYRE: A new YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER in garden at Port Righ (Carradale) today (Alasdair Paterson).

12th October
ISLAY: Two 1cy WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS at Sanaigmore today (Richard Belter).
TIREE: A juvenile AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER was new at Middleton in flock of 770 Golden Plovers today (John Bowler).

11th October
ISLAY: Two white Lesser SNOW GEESE at Bridgend, Loch Indaal today in with the Barnacle Geese (Gary Turnbull) – also a small Canada (Cackling Goose?) there (Peter Roberts).
MID-ARGYLL: GREAT WHITE EGRET reported back on Luing nr Cullipool yesterday – had been on Seil recently (Drs Elizabeth & Edward Ormerod).

7th October
TIREE: A new YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was at Balephuil today – fifth on Tiree so far this autumn (John Bowler).
5th October
TIREE: A Juvenile LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER was on pools at Sandaig today – a new species for Tiree (John Bowler/Jim Dickson).
KINTYRE: A LITTLE EGRET flew south at Machrihanish SBO today (Eddie Maguire).
MULL: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was seen at the Millenium Wood, Duart Castle, Craignure on Fri 4th Oct (Anne Sinclair).

3rd October
MID-ARGYLL: A GREAT WHITE EGRET was at Cullipool, Luing today (Lauren Leggett) – very probably the same bird that was on Mull last week.

2nd October
MULL: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was at Java, Craignure (Nancy Somerville).
KINTYRE: Eight WAXWING on a Rowan at Calton Avenue, Campbeltown (Alistair Anderson per Eddie Maguire).

29th September
ISLAY: A 1cy RED-BACKED SHRIKE was at Genastle, The Oa RSPB reserve this morning – a shrike had been suspected there after Bonnie Wood spotted a skewered bumblebee on a barb wire fence yesterday (Phill Catton, Bonnie Wood).

28th September
KINTYRE: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was in a garden at Port Righ (Carradale) today (Alasdair Paterson).
TIREE: Two YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS today – one at Balephuil and a new bird at Vaul (Jim Dickson).

27th September
MULL: At Langamull this afternoon David Hatfield got images of what looks like a good candidate for an ISABELLINE WHEATEAR.

26th September
TIREE: An adult AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER was showing well at Baugh this afternoon (Jim Dickson). The YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was again at Balephuil this morning (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: A 2cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL flew past Machrihanish SBO yesterday – early afternoon (Eddie Maguire).

25th September
TIREE: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER new at Carnan Mor early morning (John Bowler).

24th September
MULL: A GREAT WHITE EGRET was at Pennyghael this morning (Bryan Rains). Update – the first sighting of this bird was at Bunessan on 20th Sep (per Bryan Rains).

20th September
ISLAY: A juvenile AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER was found at Machir Bay at 12.30pm – it flew inland and was later found again between Saligo and Ballinaby and back again at Machir Bay later (Jim Dickson/ David Jardine). A EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE was on wires at Octofad Farm (Jim Dickson/ David Jardine).

15th September
TIREE: A juvenile BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER on west side of Loch a’ Phuill today (John Bowler).
12th September
TIREE: The Juvenile BAIRD’S SANDPIPER again briefly in SW corner of Gott Bay with Dunlin before heading off high towards Scarinish (John Bowler).
NORTH ARGYLL: No sign of the COMMON NIGHTHAWK at Loch Laich this morning (up to 11.30 am) – Jim Dickson.
MULL: A juvenile PECTORAL SANDPIPER was on the south shore of Loch na Keal (Mel & Mike Ricketts per Alan Spellman/Mullbirds) – still present on 14th (David Jardine) and 15-16th (Andrew Allport).

11th September
NORTH ARGYLL: A COMMON NIGHTHAWK was reported from Loch Laich, nr Appin – flew down the estuary and over the Jubilee bridge and lost out of sight further down the estuary at 3:15pm (Ashley Cooper). Only one previous Scottish record – in Orkney on 12th Sep 1978.
5th September
TIREE: 1hr sea-watch from Aird, Tiree 0630-0730hrs in NW7 with rain bands produced (all heading W): 1 Sooty Shearwater, 1 Storm Petrel, 12 Bonxie, 4,917 Manx Shearwater, 55 Gannet, 31 Fulmar, 28 large auk, 8 Kittiwakes (all juvs), 2 GN Diver, 4 RT Diver (John Bowler). A Lapland Bunting at Beinn Hough – Tony O’ Connor
4th September
TIREE: A 1hr sea-watch from Aird at lunchtime in NNW8-9 with squalls produced (all heading W): 1 Leach’s Petrel, 1 Sooty Shearwater, 4 Arctic Skua, 7 Bonxie, 187 Gannet, 72 Manxie, 29 Fulmar, 17 large auk, 22 Kittiwake (16 juvs) and 1 RT Diver (John Bowler. Also: 1 Leach’s Petrel and 4 Arctic Tern earlier in the morning off Aird (Keith Gillon & Tony O’Connor) and 2 Leach’s Petrel, 1 Grey Phalarope, 1 Storm Petrel, 2 Arctic Skua and 2 storm-petrel spp. in ca 3 hrs off Aird later pm (Keith Gillon & Tony O’Connor).
KINTYRE: At Machrihanish Seabird Obs – 7hr seawatch in a NW gale event f6 – 7. The heaviest squalls produced a Grey Phalarope >S at 09:40hrs; bird was ‘on the doorstep‘ at ca 12 – 15m from MSBO window; great views for a couple of seconds but no chance of photos. Also, a Leach’s Petrel >S at 11:35 (Eddie Maguire & Dee Brodie).
ISLAY: A juvenile PECTORAL SANDPIPER with Dunlin this afternoon on the Loch Indaal sands off Carnain (Jim Dickson).

3rd September
TIREE: A juvenile BAIRD’S SANDPIPER was found at Vaul golf gourse today (Keith Gillon).
KINTYRE: A shearwater seen and photographed off Machrihanish seabird obs yesterday is being claimed as a Barolo Shearwater (Eddie Maguire).

22nd August
COLL: Photos have come to light of a female SNOWY OWL that was at Grishipol/Cliad on 23 Apr (Rob & Dougie Wainwright). Likely the same female that turned up on St Kilda in early May.

21st August
TIREE: A seawatchs off Hynish in 1hr this morning produced 2 Sooty Shearwater, 5 Storm Petrel and 12 Puffins – also a Grey Phalarope later (John Bowler)