KINTYRE: The Little Egret was at Kennacraig at 1.10 and again at 2.30 today (Val Wells and David Bridge).
MID-ARGYLL: Only 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese back at Barsloisnoch (Moine Mhor) today – a dwindling population (James Lehmann).
COWAL: The Little Egret is still at the Holy Loch, Dunoon and in the area/Clyde waters – 8 Common Guillemots, 4 Black Guillemots, a single Long-tailed Duck. Also lots of Goldfinch, 1 Greenfinch, and at George Newall’s garden – a Brambling (Alistair McGregor).
TIREE: A juvenile Iceland Gull was new at West Hynish (John Bowler).