TIREE: A 1hr sea-watch from Aird at lunchtime in NNW8-9 with squalls produced (all heading W): 1 Leach’s Petrel, 1 Sooty Shearwater, 4 Arctic Skua, 7 Bonxie, 187 Gannet, 72 Manxie, 29 Fulmar, 17 large auk, 22 Kittiwake (16 juvs) and 1 RT Diver (John Bowler. Also: 1 Leach’s Petrel and 4 Arctic Tern earlier in the morning off Aird (Keith Gillon & Tony O’Connor) and 2 Leach’s Petrel, 1 Grey Phalarope, 1 Storm Petrel, 2 Arctic Skua and 2 storm-petrel spp. in ca 3 hrs off Aird later pm (Keith Gillon & Tony O’Connor).
KINTYRE: At Machrihanish Seabird Obs – 7hr seawatch in a NW gale event f6 – 7. The heaviest squalls produced a Grey Phalarope >S at 09:40hrs; bird was ‘on the doorstep‘ at ca 12 – 15m from MSBO window; great views for a couple of seconds but no chance of photos. Also, a Leach’s Petrel >S at 11:35 (Eddie Maguire & Dee Brodie).
ISLAY: A juvenile PECTORAL SANDPIPER with Dunlin this afternoon on the Loch Indaal sands off Carnain (Jim Dickson).