21st March
COWAL: George Newall has noticed a significant drop in numbers of Oystercatchers at the Holy Loch this winter – perhaps weather related and or a reflection of national decline? Alistair McGegor photographed a ringed bird in Dunoon yesterday, however too worn to read – colour rings of course are easier!
TIREE: A Juv Iceland Gull at Balephetrish (John Bowler).

20th March
TIREE: 1 Snow Bunting at Sandaig, Ad Iceland Gull at Loch Earblaig, juv Glaucous Gull at Loch Bhasapol, 2 Gadwall, 1 Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Scaup at Loch a’ Phuill. Island totals of 125 Whooper Swans and 21 Pied Wagtails. (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: Our first report of a Willow Warbler – one in song yesterday in Minard – also a single Wheatear at Keills on the 18th (John McInally). Today – a Nuthatch back again in the garden today – nr Barsloisnoch farm (James lehmann). A Greenshank was at the head of Loch Feochan this morning (Jim Dickson).
MID / NORTH ARGYLL: Highlights of my belated WeBS count on Loch Etive were a second winter Iceland Gull at Ardchattan Priory and a Grey Heron at Bonawe Quarry having its fishing interrupted by a female Otter with two cubs. The Norwegian-ringed Blackbird (see 17 January) is still visiting my garden in Connel most days but the change to westerly weather may encourage him to move on soon (Mike Harrison).

19th March
MID-ARGYLL: Around the Moine Mhor today – good numbers (small flocks) of Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Redwings and Fieldfares dotted about. At Loch Leathan – 4 Whooper Swans, 4 Goosander, 5 Goldeneye and 2 Tufted Duck. Also a Pipistrelle out flying around Ford late morning in sunny 6C conditions (Jim Dickson). A male Crossbill in our garden at Scammadale this morning -our first there in 10 years! (Anne-Lise Dickie).
TIREE: A male Wheatear at Balephetrish Hill, 1 ad and 1 2w Iceland Gull at Loch Caol, 2w Iceland Gull at Ruaig sliabh, 2 x 2w Glaucous Gulls west of Ruaig, 1 juv Glaucous Gull at Salum, 1 very confiding Woodcock at Balephuil and imm Moorhens at Baugh and Cornaig Crossroads (John Bowler).

18th March
MID-ARGYLL: In fields around East Lodge, Poltalloch this morning many more Song Thrush than of recent with 29 birds in one field, also a flock of 33 Redwings and 4 Mistle Thrush (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: A Black-tailed Godwit at Loch a’ Phuill today (John Bowler).

17th March
MID-ARGYLL: A Wheatear flew across the road at Ballymeanoch (N of Lochgilphead) this afternoon. Fewer birds today on the Add/Loch Crinan WeBS count however still 118 Wigeons, also a single Whooper Swan (Jim Dickson).
A Wheatear was at Gorstan, Isle of Luing today (David Jardine).
16th March
COWAL: At the Holy Loch today – ca 70 Whooper Swans in two groups (Alistair McGregor).
KINTYRE: A total of 61 Lesser Black-backed Gulls >N / 4hrs from 11:30hrs; passage commenced after rain stopped (largest loose groups were 19, 14 and 12). (Eddie Maguire).
ISLAY: A Sandwich Tern reported at Machir Bay today (per BirdGuides).

15th March
ISLAY: A report of a Common Sandpiper nr Loch Gorm yesterday (Louise Muir per Ian Brooke).
MID-ARGYLL: Many small groups (2 -14) of Lesser BB Gulls now being seen inland N of Lochgilphead. Around the Moine Mhor – 18 Pied Wagtails in a loose group nr Poltalloch also 1 Lapwing, 160 Common Gulls and 80 Rooks there. 25 Fieldfares and 44 Skylarks at Ballymeanoch, 34 Teal, 76 Jackdaws at Ri Cruin and a single Woodcock on the Moine Mhor moss road (Jim Dickson).
MULL: Another sighting of the Red-necked Grebe off Pennyghael today – closer but poor light (Steve Hiscock).

14th March
COWAL: Off Dunoon crazy golf today – 26 Purple Sandpipers and 11 Turnstones (George Newall).
MID-ARGYLL: Two Nuthatches visiting my bird table in Inveraray on a daily basis. Also a Sparrowhawk reducing the Collared Dove population! (Joan Thomson).
MULL: A Wheatear was at Calgary by the churchyard today. Also, the Red-necked Grebe is still present off Pennyghael, Loch Scridain (IanHartley per Alan Spellman).
ISLAY: A Wheatear was at Ardnave on Mon 12th (per Andy Robinson RSPB).

12th March
KINTYRE: At Bleachfield a female Hen Harrier appeared mid-afternoon. Also, 2 displaying Lapwing there (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: From my boat at the mouth of Loch Craignish today – 2 Great Northern Divers flying down the sound, also close views of Black Guillemots (James Lehmann). Off Inverneill this morning 4 Great Northern Divers flying up towards Ardrishaig. Also, now 6 Song Thrush territories in/around Cairnbaan – all in good voice today (Jim Dickson). Yesterday – an uncommon sight at Loch Gilp with a pair of Lapwing at the Clock Tower (Colin Macfarlane). A Red-throated Diver close in by the life boat station in Oban Bay (Mike Anderson). Three Crossbills at the top of Dunadry Hill, Cairnbaan (John McInally). On Sat 10th we flushed a solitary male Black Grouse while mountain biking in Raera forest (John Sedgwick).
COWAL: Two, m+f Brambling in my garden in Dunoon today plus other finches including 2 Lesser Redpoll (George Newall).

9th March
MID-ARGYLL: A juvenile Glaucous Gull just south of Inverneill early afternoon (Jim Dickson).
KINTYRE: A Greenshank at Kennacraig. At Kilmichael floods, N of Campbeltown – a w/p Black-tailed Godwit, 208 Golden Plover, 25 Lapwings and a pr of Shoveler. A female Hen Harrier and a Grey Wagtail at East Chiscan (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: A male Brambling was today’s highlight in George Newall’s garden in Bishop’s Glen, Dunoon.

8th March
KINTYRE: Strath Farm, The Laggan; 600+ Greenland White-fronted Geese, 344 Greylag Geese and a Carrion Crow (no wigeon present). Campbeltown Harbour -adult Iceland Gull asleep on pontoon (Eddie Maguire).
MULL: Another Red-necked Grebe sighting off Pennyghael today (Steve Hiscock).
NORTH ARGYLL: A Little Egret at Loch Laich and 120 Skylarks at Ardtur (David Jardine).

7th March
KINTYRE: A male American Wigeon in with ca. 85 Eurasian Wigeon at the Strath Farm south pool (down the road quite a bit and closer to Balloch Farm). Also there: 570 White-fronted Geese, 230 Greylag Geese and a single Pink-footed Goose (Eddie Maguire).

6th March
MID-ARGYLL: North of Lochgilphead at Ballymeanoch this morning – 27 Lapwings and 70+ Fieldfares ( David Jardine noted c220 there yesterday). In Oban a pair of Grey Wagtails (Jim Dickson). At Loch Gilp today 3 LBB Gulls (David Jardine).
Yesterday at Tayvallich, a Great Tit was collecting nesting material from a totally chilled roe buck in our garden (Morag Rea).

5th March
COWAL: In George Newall’s garden at Bishop’s Glen today inc. – 8 Jays, 8 Blackbirds, 3 Reed Buntings, a Treecreeper, Song Thrush, all 4 regular Tits etc , but finches other than Chaffinch conspicuous by their absence. Alistair McGregor found 2 Lesser Black-Backed Gulls in Dunoon this morning. Also a Brambling at the Holy Loch bird hide and a good view of a Peregrine flying past.
MID-ARGYLL: At Poltalloch this morning – 10 Fieldfares, 5 Mistle Thrush, 2 Song Thrush (in song), 60 Jackdaws, 17 Teal and a male Stonechat (Jim Dickson).

4th March
MID-ARGYLL: A Lesser Black-Backed Gull at Loch Gilp today showing blackish upperparts of the Scandinavian race intermedius also a single Lapwing at the head of the loch calling noisily! (Jim Dickson). David Jardine picked up a dead Woodcock from the roadside at Minard on his way to the ABC spring meeting yesterday…prior to giving a talk on…Woodcock! Bob Furness has now weighed the bird and it was 323g which is above average weight for this species therefore perhaps not badly affected by the cold weather. David also reports seeing three while driving across the Moine Mhor road yesterday evening.

2nd March
MID-ARGYLL/COWAL: In Lochgilphead and Cairnbaan today good numbers of Song Thrush and Blackbirds – appears to have been a significant increase during the hard weather so presumably have come from further east (Jim Dickson). Alan Forsyth in Innellan has noted – many Song Thrushes around the village and they look absolutely desperate and appear to be in unfamiliar surroundings – they are lingering around roads –one bounced off a car windscreen.

1st March
MID-ARGYLL: A Common Snipe has been visiting my garden in Cairnbaan again as a result of the weather (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: At the Holy Loch hide – 4 Lapwings, 1 Woodcock in the wood , 5 Snipe, 20+ Redwing , also 11 Dunnock at the feeding station beside the hide – most I’ve ever seen together at one time (Alistair McGregor).

28th February
MID-ARGYLL: Balvicar Bog, Seil Island – a single Water Rail seen just past the Easdale crossroads. Frequently heard here but rarely seen – I guess the harsh weather is making them less shy and skulking (John Sedgwick).
26th February
MID-ARGYLL: A Waxwing seen today just after 1.0 pm while driving back from Lochgilphead, as turned corner and Tayvallich Bay comes into view . Surprised but see others being reported in Angus and in Lothian (Jon Close).
ISLAY: Some recent sightings from Mike Peacock – Sun 25th at Gruilinbeg 50+ Fieldfares and 30 Skylarks, and an adult Iceland Gull at Sanaigmore. 2 Iceland Gulls at Ballinaby on the Fri 23rd – attached picture of the 3CY and on the Thur 22nd at Machir Bay – 3 Glaucous Gulls and an adult Iceland Gull.
COWAL: Six Jays in George Newal’s garden in Dunoon again today- see if you can spot all six…

25th February
MULL: Experienced birder Stuart Gibson reports today – Two littoralis Scandinavian Rock Pipits with two local petrosus Rock Pipits feeding on wet pasture in front of Lochbuie House. Great comparison with both races in the same field of view: blue/grey head and upperparts and peach colour of throat being particularly prominent. How many of these Scandinavian birds do we have on the Isle of Mull? The next month is the time to seek them out, as littoralis birds begin to colour up prior to their return migration, so give those Rock Pipits a second glance!
COWAL: A possible Great Skua in Kirn Bay on Thurs 22nd – harassing ducks and gulls (Frances Lynn).
24th February
MID-ARGYLL: I looked for the adult Glaucous Gull at Ardfern again today and try for a decent photo. Sadly, I did find it – dead, on the shore near the village hall here and next to a deer carcass. Beautiful bird (Ju Randall).
COWAL: George Newal had 6 Jays in his garden in Dunoon today…usually only 2-3 birds visit and this equals the record of 6 birds seen there last year also on 24th Feb!.
21st February
COWAL: A belated report of a female Blackcap at a feeder in Hunters Quay on 9th Feb from Callum Satchel.
TIREE: An adult and 2x 3CY Glaucous Gulls at The Reef, adult Glaucous Gull at Salum and a 3CY Iceland Gull at Gott Bay (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: Neil Brown caught a Great Spotted Woodpecker and first one he has ringed at the feeding station nr Campbeltown.

20th February
MID-ARGYLL: An adult Glaucous Gull was on the shore of Loch Craignish near the Village Hall this afternoon. Also of interest is a Moorhen which has apparently been living in someone’s garden opposite the Galley of Lorne Inn, in Ardfern, for the past couple of weeks! (Ju Radnall). Another Moorhen has been visting a garden at Luib Cottages, nr Slockavuillin in the last few weeks (Vivien Little).
TIREE: The 2CY Ring-billed Gull again at Sandaig, an adult Iceland Gull at Hough, a juv Glaucous Gull at Kilkenneth, 4 Greater Scaup at Loch a’ Phuill and 1 Pink-footed Goose at Barrapol (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: A female Hen Harrier and a Stonechat at Bleachfield and an adult Iceland Gull at Campbeltown Pontoon today (Eddie Maguire).

19th February
ISLAY: Two Glaucous Gulls have been on the Machir Bay beach all week and they were joined yesterday by an adult Iceland Gull and a further 2 Glaucous today as well as a leucistic 2CY Common Gull (Mike Peacock). A male Bullfinch near the Woollen Mill yesterday (Val Peacock).
TIREE: A male Green-winged Teal at Baugh Road Bridge, a 4CY Iceland Gull at Scarinish, a juv Iceland Gull and juv Glaucous Gull at The Reef, 4 Pied Wagtails at Salum, a Knot at Gott Bay, first Black-headed Gulls of the year here: 2 at Balinoe, 3 at Vaul, 3 at Gott Bay, 1 at Balephetrish (John Bowler).

18th February
MID-ARGYLL: Another report of a Nuthatch in the Barsloisnoch area (nr Loch Crinan), this time from Fiorna Cairns Smith, a mile or so to the west of the regular Mheall Cottage sightings. A juvenile Glaucous Gull was at Kames, Loch Melfort today (David Jardine).
NORTH ARGYLL: Highlights on Robin Harvey’s Loch Crearan WeBS count today included a Greenshank, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Shelducks, a Goosander and 21 White-fronted geese however no signs of the Little Egrets there or at An Sailean.
17th February
KINTYRE: An update on the Sooty Tern at Machrihanish SBO seen by Eddie Maguire on 2/6/17….this has been accepted by the BBRC and is now an additional species to the Argyll list which now stands at 355, congratulations to Eddie!
MID-ARGYLL: Adult Little Gull back at the head of Loch Gilp…last there on 23 Dec (Jim Dickson). An adult Iceland Gull was on the Island of Danna this afternoon (David Jardine).
TIREE: 1w Ring-billed Gull again at Sandaig – also 2 ad Iceland Gull there and 4 Glaucous Gulls (2 ads, 1 x 3rd winter and 1x 2nd winter bird) plus 120 Twite and 50 Skylark. 2w Iceland Gull at Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler). 1 Pink-footed Goose at Barrapol (Steph Cope).

16th February
TIREE: 2 adult Glaucous Gulls at Sandaig, 1 juv Glaucous Gull at Greenhill (John Bowler), 2 imm Iceland Gulls at Heylipol Church (Steph Cope).
COWAL: Alistair McGregor found 2m+f Greater Scaup in the Clyde Estuary, off Greenock today (therefore not quite in Argyll….pity).

15th February
TIREE: Adult and juv Iceland Gulls at Milton (Martin Finnigan).

14th February
MID-ARGYLL: A search for the Snow Buntings in the Cairnbaan forest at Daill Loch today – some distant flight calls were heard but birds not seen. Four Common Crossbills seen and some terrible shots taken at long range of 150+ metres (Jim Dickson). A Nuthatch was back at Lynsey Gibson’s garden in Ardrishaig today.
TIREE: Sea-watch off Hynish in S8 to SSW7 at lunchtime produced the following (all heading SW) in 1hr: 3 Little Auk, 6 Puffin, 1 ad Lesser Black-backed Gull, 355 Razorbill (all large auks viewed well were this species), 6 Tystie, 91 Gannet, 108 Shag, 65 Fulmar, 112 Kittiwake (all ads), 130 Eider and 12 Great Northern Diver (John Bowler).

13th February
MID-ARGYLL: I was lucky enough to see a flock of approx 18 Snow Buntings above Letterdail, Cairnbaan late this afternoon. I heard some unusual calls and the flock landed about 35 -40 ft in front of me on the forest road near the Daill Loch. They were actively feeding for a good 10 mins. They then flew off up the road a bit before landing again then shortly after took off towards the forest and I lost sight of them. Only my second ever sighting of them (Lynsey Gibson).
TIREE: 3 Greenfinch at Baugh (the first here this winter), a Juv Glaucous Gull at Baugh (Bill Welstead). 4 Scaup, 16 Shoveler and a Welsh-ringed Oystercatcher at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler).

12th February
KINTYRE: Another great photo from Eddie Maguire – one of the male Hen Harriers frequenting the Laggan.
COWAL: My garden in Bishop’s Glen now with 20+ Chaffinches, double figures of Goldfinches and Siskins and the occasional Redpoll still appearing, also 3 Bullfinch and 3 Jays have been regular in the snow (George Newall).
MID-ARGYLL: I have no idea what I have just photographed! There was a large mixed flock in the field between me and Barsloichnach Farm – this white head instantly stood out. Is it some sort of juvenile hybrid? (James Lehmann). This is the odd hybrid goose that’s been around for a couple of months now….perhaps a mix of Barnacle and Canada?

11th February
MID-ARGYLL: There were 140+ White-fronted Geese at Coshandrochaid by Ulva Lagoons and most unusually a single Moorhen on the Ulva Lagoon marshes by the Danna road (Morag Rea). An Excellent close sighting on a male Hen Harrier as it flushed 3 Snipe near our house at Bridgend, Kilmichael Glassary, then a female Brambling at our feeder later (Sue & Malcolm Chattwood).
Lesser Redpolls have been thin on the ground this winter – I found my first of the year in my Kilmartin garden mist net today. A total of 110 different Siskins caught in the garden yesterday and today (2 controls, 2 retraps from 2017 and 106 new birds), also 24 Goldfinch (1 retrap from 2016, the reminder new birds (David Jardine).
10th February
ISLAY: Ian Brooke at ‘Islay Birds’ reports – a male Ring necked Duck seen from the old hide at Gruinart, also 4 Greenshank there (Bob Davison/David Barr). Gordon Yates had the Iceland Gull at Ballinaby this afternoon… and also 2 Glaucous Gulls present – Corsapol and Gruinart.
COWAL: A sub-adult White-tailed Eagle nr Largiemore today and also a Kingfisher on the Strathlachlan river on 6th Feb (Yvonne McCronne). A Nuthatch, along with a Great Spotted Woodpecker and good numbers of tits at the feeder by Benmore Gardens car par (Frances Lynn). Yesterday -In a field close to Kilfinan, approx. 25 Fieldfares, 15 Mistle Thrush feeding. On the Otter ferry shore road near the fish farm a pair of Gooseander feeding and a Kingfisher near Castle Lachlan (same as Yvonne’s sighting – Alistair McGregor/George Newall).
MID-ARGYLL: A juvenile Iceland Gull was at the head of Loch Gilp this morning (David Jardine/Jim Dickson). At Poltalloch – 8 Fieldfares and 2 Redwings, also 8 Reed Buntings nearby at Dalvore.

9th February
MID-ARGYLL: Two White-fronted Geese nr Poltalloch (East Lodge) today (James Lehmann). It looks like this once traditional flock here is almost extinct now.
On 6th Feb Robin Harvey noted 11 Turnstones foraging in the drift seaweed and 15 Black Guillemots now in breeding plumage, in front of their nesting sites in the sea wall on the esplanade in Oban.
KINTYRE: A Glaucous Gull still present at Tarbert harbour first noted on 5th Feb (Birdguides). Eddie Maguire reports: at Campbeltown harbour; an adult and a 2CY Iceland Gull loafing on the pontoons late afternoon. Bleachfield; the number of Reed Buntings has risen to 11. Of interest; notification received with details of the French-ringed Goldfinch that was trapped at MSBO last spring ringed on 11th February 2017 at Les Roberts, Liart, Ardennes, France and Controlled at MSBO on 19th April 2017 – distance: 925km.

8th February
COWAL: Alan Forsyth has been noting 10-15 Siskins in his Innellan garden since they arrived back there in January plus groups of Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Greenfinch (2) and has just noted his first ever Lesser Redpoll there. He notes that no local Jays around this winter but did find a dead one on the Innellan/Toward shoreline a month ago during a beach clean.
7th February
MID-ARGYLL: Mike Harrison reports his first Siskin back in his Connel garden since last June. In Cairnbaan still around 120 Chaffinch coming to be fed in the garden this morning, along with a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 8 Starlings, 2 Dunnocks, 4 Blackbirds, 2 Goldcrests, a Wren, 8 Collared Doves, 2 Greenfinch and 4 Siskins – also a Common Snipe (Jim Dickson).

4th February
TIREE: A drake Green-winged Teal, 2CY White-tailed Eagle, 3CY Glaucous Gull, 1m Pochard and 4 Scaup at Loch a’ Phuill – also 13 Goldfinch & Fieldfare there. A Black-throated Diver and 1 Long-tailed Duck off Traigh Bhi. The 2CY Ring-billed Gull again at Greenhill – also juv Glaucous Gull there and the Glossy Ibis at Balevullin (John Bowler).
COWAL: A 4CY Iceland Gull seen from Otter Ferry towards the middle of Loch Fyne today (Neil Hammatt).
MID-ARGYLL: ABC trip to Ormsary today with a turnout of 8 folk and excellent viewing conditions on the loch – highlights from 54 species seen included – imm White-tailed Eagle, Peregrine, 21 Black-throated Divers, 4 Common Scoter, 6 Shelducks and 52 Goldeneye. Many thanks to Errol Crutchfield for leading the trip. Earlier 6 Slavonian Grebes were seen towards the head of Loch Caolisport. At Inveraray a Nuthatch from yesterday returned and was photographed (Joan Thomson).

3rd February
MID-ARGYLL: A day for finding NUTHATCHES! – A pair were visiting a garden in Inveraray (near the golf course) around 1pm for over an hour, eating sunflower seed hearts (Joan Thomson). A pair were seen and the male heard calling a mile NE of Kilmichael Glassary after 1.30pm (Blair Urquhart). Looks like this species is becoming very well established in Argyll now. This is a good time to listen out for them and check your bird feeders – all records of them are welcomed.
KINTYRE: A Kingfisher was at Kennacraig today and an Iceland Gull was at Campbeltown harbour (Rik Morley, Neil Hammatt). A fem/imm type Hen Harrier was photographed at Bleachfield, the Laggan (at last!) – (Eddie Maguire).
TIREE: Roger Broad has sent in his pictures of the two rarities currently on the island – many thanks.

2nd February
MID-ARGYLL: Lots of Woodcock around (4.30am this morning) especially along Bellanoch road across the Moine Mhor Moss – a dozen scattered along the road and then more individuals on way back to Tayvallich and then a few more in Carsaig (Jon Close). In fields around Barsloisnoch farm this morning – 10 Mistle Thrush and 5 Fieldfares (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: 1w Ring-billed Gull now at Greenhill, the Glossy Ibis at Balevullin, 5 Snow Bunting at Traigh Bhagh, a near-adult Glaucous Gull at The Reef, a Juv Glaucous Gull at Hough Bay and a juv Glaucous Gull at Greenhill (John Bowler).
COWAL: This afternoon at Dunoon crazy golf – 25 Purple Sandpipers and 16 Turnstones, also about 8 Shags feeding near the gantocks (Alistair McGregor).
MULL: Colin MacFarlane saw an early Puffin off Bloody Bay today, from the Tiree ferry.
KINTYRE: 2 male Hen Harriers and 7 Reed Buntings at Bleachfield, The Laggan (Eddie Maguire).

1st February
TIREE: 1w Ring-billed Gull again at Sandaig today (Andy Robinson, Ben Jones et al), 3CY Iceland Gull at Gott Tip (Graham Todd), 2CY Iceland Gull at Heylipol Church (Steph Cope).