TIREE: 1 Snow Bunting at Sandaig, Ad Iceland Gull at Loch Earblaig, juv Glaucous Gull at Loch Bhasapol, 2 Gadwall, 1 Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Scaup at Loch a’ Phuill. Island totals of 125 Whooper Swans and 21 Pied Wagtails. (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: Our first report of a Willow Warbler – one in song yesterday in Minard – also a single Wheatear at Keills on the 18th (John McInally). Today – a Nuthatch back again in the garden today – nr Barsloisnoch farm (James lehmann). A Greenshank was at the head of Loch Feochan this morning (Jim Dickson).
MID / NORTH ARGYLL: Highlights of my belated WeBS count on Loch Etive were a second winter Iceland Gull at Ardchattan Priory and a Grey Heron at Bonawe Quarry having its fishing interrupted by a female Otter with two cubs. The Norwegian-ringed Blackbird (see 17 January) is still visiting my garden in Connel most days but the change to westerly weather may encourage him to move on soon (Mike Harrison).