

A Facebook group has been set up appeal to members and others who like to use this media. Please share your photos, video clips, ask for ID advice or share an experience with the group!

ARGYLL BIRD REPORT Volume 36 – with Systematic List for the year 2024. The report has now been completed and will be distributed to subscribed Argyll Bird Club members in the next few days
ARGYLL BIRD REPORT Volume 35 – with Systematic List for the year 2023.
This report is now available as a full colour PDF for  download by anyone – see under ‘Publications’.



If there is a chance that adverse weather might lead to the cancellation of a field trip, please check this page of the website or contact the organiser the night before or in good time prior to setting off. Please wear suitable footwear and bring waterproof clothing if rain is forecast.


Field trips are currently limited to 15 participants so it is essential that you contact the leader of a trip beforehand to make sure a place is available.
If there is a chance that adverse weather might lead to the cancellation of a field trip, please check this page or contact the organiser the night before or prior to setting off. Please wear suitable footwear and bring waterproof clothing if rain is forecast.

There will be a risk assessment and safety briefing at the start of each field trip.

Saturday 29 March. Toward and South Loch Striven. Led by Alistair McGregor (email mobile phone 07754524240). Please contact Alistair if you would like to go on this trip, to make sure there are places available and to receive rendezvous details. There will be three short walks of about 1km each along a mix of shore and track, suitable foot-wear is advised. Please bring your own packed lunch.

Saturday 3 May. Outing to Gigha. Led by David Jardine. Please let David know whether you wish to attend ( and he will forward details. This day trip will involve a walk of 4-6 km (3-4 miles) on tracks and roads depending on the weather. Stout footwear, waterproofs and picnic required.

Saturday 31 May. Ardentinny. Alistair McGregor will lead a walking trip around Ardentinny, which will include woodlands and the shore of Loch Long. The walk will be on paths and forest roads and will be c.4-5km. Meet in the car park alongside the old church in Ardentinny at 10.00hrs. Please bring your own packed lunch. Please contact Alistair (email mobile phone 07754524240) if you wish to go on this trip.

Saturday 21 June. Sanda. This will be a day trip using Mull of Kintyre Sea Adventures (, skippered by Haydn Chambers and led by Nigel Scriven. With more notice this year we hope to fill the boat. Transport is by a fast RIB. Places are limited to 12, so early booking is advised. The cost will be £70 per person if we have a full complement. We will meet on the pier at the pontoon gateway, Campbeltown at 09.00hrs, returning around 17.00hrs. If adverse weather conditions cause cancellation on the Saturday, Sunday is a fallback option. Even in fairly smooth conditions there is the possibility of getting wet on the crossing, so good waterproof jackets and trousers are strongly recommended. Lifejackets will be provided and must be worn. We will be walking on rough ground at times, so stout footwear is advised. Bring a packed lunch and a drink. We will take a route around the coast and across the middle of the island. It is a peak time for breeding seabirds. There may be opportunities to observe licensed bird ringing. Booking is essential, so contact Nigel (mobile phone 07901 636353, e-mail

Saturday 28 June. Outing to Port Ramsay, Lismore. Led by David Jardine. Please let David know if you wish to attend ( and he will forward details. This day trip will involve a walk of 4-6 km (3-4 miles) on tracks and roads depending on the weather. Stout footwear, waterproofs and picnic required.

July/August. Possible trip to Ailsa Craig. Led by Gordon Holm. There will be more details in the June Eider.

Please bear in mind that the situation can change quickly, so please check this page for updates.


Spring Meeting 2025. Saturday 8 March. The meeting will be held at St Mun’s Church Hall, Dunoon, where the highly successful 2024 spring meeting was held.  The programme is available to download hereLunches will be available in the hall, but must be pre booked (please state if you have any dietary restrictions) with the">Membership Secretary by the 27 February. The cost will be £7.50 per person, which includes teas and coffees.

Autumn Meeting & AGM Saturday 1st November 2025. Kilmartin Church, with lunches and refreshments provided. Further details will appear on the club’s website and in the June and September issues of the Eider.

Should you be interested in giving a talk at an indoor meeting for a possible Autumn 2024/Spring 2025 season, please contact David Jardine (phone 01546 510200). Further details will be provided on this page, the Club’s Facebook page and via email to Club members.

Additional details of how to join our online meetings (including a weblink) will be sent to members by email just before each meeting. If you aren’t yet a member please join


The ABC is willing to fund or part fund worthwhile bird conservation projects in Argyll. For example, help was given towards the costs of field work for the recent Seabird Monitoring Programme (seabird counts 2015-2019). More recently the club has helped to fund the provision of nest boxes for Grey Wagtails and Dippers in Kintyre and nest boxes for Swifts. Applications for funding should be submitted to the Secretary –