1st July
MID-ARGYLL: Paul Finnigan at Finn falconry, Taynuilt has kindly sent through an image of the dark morph female type Honey-buzzard found at the roadside near Dalavich on 15 June but sadly died shortly afterwards in care. It has been sent for a full post mortem.

26th June
KINTYRE: At least 290 Red-breasted Merganser in a single flochk and 51 Common Scoter – also 1 Black-throated Diver at the Sound of Gigha today (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: An adult Curlew Sandpiper was at Loch a’ Phuill this evening (John Bowler).
NORTH ARGYLL: A Nuthatch was actively calling in oak woodland at Lochawe today. Also a pr of Ring Ouzels bred this year at Cruachan (David Fotheringham).
COLONSAY: A single Whooper Swan on Oronsay today (Patrick Styles).
ISLAY: The male Ring-necked Duck is still at Loch Finlaggan.

24th June
TIREE: A female Marsh Harrier flew south at Sandaig to Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler).
ISLAY: Mike Peacock and Peter Roberts have been studying one and probably more Common (Mealy) Redpolls in breeding habitat at Gortantaoid (NE of Loch Gruinart) in recent days.

21st June
COLL: An adult Rosy Starling was seen and photographed at Sorisdale today (Iain Fergus).

19th June
MID-ARGYLL: A report of a dying Honey Buzzard south of Oban on Friday 15th – later died in care. Awaiting further details (per Alistair McGregor).
COLL: A probable Black Kite photographed west of Arinagour on Friday 15th (Paul Brooker per Ben Jones/John Bowler).

15th June
MID-ARGYLL: At Lochgilphead meadows – 9 Swifts flying low in low cloud/rain, also 1 Kestrel (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: Leif Brag reports his first ever Common Redstart in Cowal – between Glenbranter and Strachur.

14th June
MID-ARGYLL: 3 adult Sandwich Terns at Loch Gilp, 16 Dunlin at Loch Crinan and 77 Black-headed Gulls at the Add Estuary (Jim Dickson).
MULL: A report sent to Alan Spellman of a Black Tern at Loch na Keal (Pam Brown et al) – this is a rarity in Argyll with the last record 7 years ago – please can the finders get in touch re. more details – many thanks – Jim Dickson
13th June
TIREE: 2 Storm Petrel SW off Hynish late this afternoon in S6-7 with rain, in a steady SW movement of commoner seabirds: 1 GN Diver, 28 Fulmar, 89 Gannet, 16 Kittiwake, 128 large auk (mostly Razorbills), 306 Manx Shearwater, 36 Puffin and 8 Arctic Tern (John Bowler).
COLL: 2 Barnacle Geese – one with a damaged wing – at Cornaigbeg (Ben Jones per John Bowler).
ISLAY: The drake Ring-necked Duck is still at Loch Finlaggan (per Ian Brooke).
12th June
ISLAY: A Pomarine Skua reported from a boat SSE off Lagavullin today (per BirdGuides).
TIREE: 3 Storm Petrel from the Tiree ferry (John Nadin). 1 late Redwing at Gott Bay (John Bowler).
11th June
ISLAY: The male Ring-necked Duck is still at Loch Finlaggan. Also an Osprey there this afternoon – chasing a White-tailed Eagle! (Mike Peacock).

10th June
COWAL: The family of Kingfishers on the River Eachaig have now fledged. Also a Green Woodpecker heard and seen in the area (nr Benmore gardens) last Thurs 7th Jun and a few days before that as well (Alistair McGregor).
TIREE: A Little Stint was at Gott Bay (Keith Gillon).

9th June
TIREE: Keith Gillon yesterday evening had brief views of a Subalpine Warbler in the garden at Torosa, Cornaigbeg. No sign of it this morning. (per Angus Murray/Birdline Scotland). A fem Pied Flycatcher was at Balephuil (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: A flock of 43 Dunlin arrived mid morning. These birds had long bills / bright rufous upperparts which, along with the late passage date, suggest they were nominate alpina (Eddie Maguire).

8th June
MULL: Another Rosy Starling – this time in a private garden on the Ross of Mull yesterday (per Birdguides).

7th June
TIREE: No further reports of the Rosy Starling or Eurasian Reed Warbler today.
COLL: A report of a Rosy Starling at Clabhach yesterday would be in addition to the Tiree bird (per David Andrews).
MULL/COLL: A report of a summer plumaged White-billed Diver off NW Mull – photographed on Tues 5th June (per Birdguides).
6th June
KINTYRE: Eddie Maguire reported an adult Yellow-legged Gull candidate that flew past the Machrihanish SBO late morning today. Update – appears likely to be a pale Lesser Black Backed Gull in bright sunlight (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: A Rosy Starling at Hynish at ca 6pm (Keith Gillon). An elusive singing Eurasian Reed Warbler at Balephuil today (John Bowler).

5th June
TIREE: 1f Pied Flycatcher new at Carnan Mor this evening, 1 Garden Warbler in sub-song at Balephuil – also 2 Woodpigeon, 1m Grasshopper Warbler, 1m Whitethroat and 2 Chiffchaff there (john Bowler).

4th June
COWAL: A likely Little Egret was at Kames Bay, Tighnabruiach this morning (S Bennett).
ISLAY: 19 Common Scoter off Port Charlotte this morning, later in the day 3 scoter came off the sea onto the loch at Easter Ellister, 2 Common & a male Velvet Scoter – the male Velvet Scoter is paired again with the female Common Scoter as in previous years (Mike Peacock).

3rd June
TIREE: A non-singing Marsh Warbler new at Balephuil this am, also 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1m Chiffchaff and 1 Goldfinch there. 2 Common Redpoll, 1m Whitethroat, Cuckoo and 1 Woodpigeon at Carnan Mor (John Bowler).1 Woodpigeon, 2 Redpoll, 1 Spotted Flycatcher and 1m Blackcap at the Manse / Glebe (Keith Gillon).

2nd June
TIREE: 1 Redwing at Baugh, with a damaged leg (Bill Welstead per John Bowler). Yesterday, 1st Jun, the 2CY Bonaparte’s Gull again briefly in the gull colony at Barrapol but then flew towards Loch a’ Phuill at 1345hrs (John Bowler).
31st May
ISLAY: An adult Little Stint at 9.45 this morning at the muddy hole at Saligo gate (Margaret & Ian Brooke).
TIREE: 2CY Bonaparte’s Gull found late this pm in gull colony at Barrapol and then flew towards Loch a’ Phuill at 1810hrs (Ben Steel) – but no sign of it at Loch a’ Phuill later on. Quail calling intermittently at Balephuil early this morning – also 2 Spotted Flycatchers still there. 2CY Little Gull, ad Little Stint and 1-2 Curlew Sandpipers at Loch a’ Phuill this afternoon (John Bowler).

30th May
COWAL: A Hoopoe was seen in a garden at Tighnabruaich yesterday during the day and again twice in the evening (Jean Irvine).
KINTYRE: The report of Nightjar calling at Mausdale recently now appears to have been a Grasshopper Warbler….
ISLAY: The Little Egret has reappeared – yesterday in the merse creeks at Bridgend (per Ian Brooke). A pair of Garganey at the Gruinart south hide this afternoon (James How per Ian Brooke).
TIREE: At least 12 Spotted Flycatchers at Balephuil / Carnan Mor in the evening with another 4 around the island (John Bowler).
29th May
COLONSAY: A 2CY Iceland Gull at Kiloran Bay today (Patrick Styles).
KINTYRE: A report of a Nightjar ‘churring’ near Mausdale the last two evenings, after 10pm (per Alisdair Paterson).
TIREE: No further sign of the Common Rosefinch at Balephuil today but no fewer than 7 Spotted Flycatchers between there and Carnan Mor, 1 pair of Common Whitethroats, 1 pair of Blackcaps, 4 Common Redpoll and a record influx of 12 Woodpigeons including a flock of 10 which flew off W (John Bowler). Also 1 Pied Flycatcher today (Ben Steel per John Bowler).
Some photos below of a Meadow Pipit that was attacking a Collared Dove for about 5 minutes at Balephuil, Tiree the other day – the dove was pursued by the pipit in flight and continued to be mobbed on the ground – I’m sure the pipit mistakenly thought the dove was a Cuckoo – as a Cuckoo in the area. The Collared Dove looked perplexed! (Jim Dickson).

28th May
TIREE: A 2CY male Common Rosefinch singing and showing briefly at Balephuil this morning – also 2 Spotted Flycatchers, 1m Blackcap, 1m Whitethroat, 1m Cuckoo, 1 Dunnock, 2 Goldfinch and 1 House Martin there. 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Common Redpoll, 1m Blackcap and 1 singing Dunnock at the Glebe/Manse. Ad Little Stint again at Gott Bay. 3CY Iceland Gull and Common Redpoll at Kenovay (John Bowler). Later in the evening – 1 Garden Warbler at Balephuil plus 4 Spotted Flycatchers (John Bowler).

27th May
TIREE: Looks like now two 2CY and also a 3CY Iceland Gulls between Lower Kenovay and Balevullin and a 3CY Glaucous Gull briefly at Kenovay. A bright rufous toned Little Stint was with the Sanderlings at Gott Bay this morning (Jim Dickson). Later at Balephuil – a male Common Redstart and 2 Spotted Flycatchers (John Bowler).
NORTH ARGYLL: In the Benderloch gravel pits area 2 singing Garden Warblers – also 2 juv Little Grebe (Robin Harvey).

26th May
TIREE: Seabirds moving N off West Hynish (08.15- 08.45) – 3,400 Manx Shearwater, 400+ Kittiwakes, 120 Gannets, good numbers of auks, 1 Great Skua (and 1 at Gott Bay yesterday evening) – also 1 Basking Shark. Drop in small wader numbers but still low hundreds of Sanderling, Dunlin (max 110 at Miodar) and Ringed Plover. Also total of 25 Turnstone, 1 Whimbrel still at Balevuliin and 1 Red Knot at Miodar. Several Northern Wheatears and 1 ‘Greenland’ Wheatear at Gott Bay (Jim Dickson).
ISLAY: Ian Brooke was in touch to say that the male Green-winged Teal was seen again at Gruinart yesterday.
KINTYRE: 4 Whimbrel arrived at the MSBO late morning (Eddie Maguire).

25th May
TIREE: Still 2 Whimbrel and 120 Ringed Plover at Balevullin, now joined by the 2CY Iceland Gull (from Kenovay). A Common Chiffchaff was in song at The Glebe, also Willow Warbler and Dunnock there. A Woodpigeon was at Balephuil and 7 Redpolls still there along with a Cuckoo. This evening a 2CY Curlew Sandpiper with 10 Dunlin and 160 Sanderling at Sorobaidh Bay (Jim Dickson).

24th May
COWAL: Dipper, Grey Wagtail, Sand Martin all nesting on a 50 yard stretch of the River Eachaig – and also a pair of Kingfishers perhaps also nesting (Alistair McGregor).
ISLAY: A Little Egret at Gruinart reserve last evening and still there today (Ian Bradley per Ian Brooke) and a Greenshank at Saligo (Ian & Margaret Brooke).
TIREE: A few bits and pieces today included – an Arctic Skua at Gunna sound, at least 7 Great Northern Divers around the coast, 3 Bar-tailed Godwits at Gott Bay – also 2 Red Knot there – plus good nos of Ringed Plover, Sanderling and smallers nos of Dunlin around. 2 House Martins at Vaul, a Common Sandpiper at Mannal, a Spotted Flycatcher at Balephuil – also 7 Redpolls there, at least one a Lesser -other Commons, 2 Redpolls over the Glebe, a 2CY Iceland Gull at Kenovay, 2 Whimbrels at Balevuillin (Jim Dickson).
MULL: An adult Little Gull with Kittiwakes and Manx Shearwaters at rest on sea – also two Storm Petrels near Cairns of Coll (per Alan Spellman).

23rd May
KINTYRE: A Common Eider fem with a single duckling today (the first of the year) – (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: First juv Robins seen in Lochgilphead yesterday, also 6 prs of Greylags with goslings at the Add Estuary (Jim Dickson).
NORTH ARGYLL: Yesterday on the slopes of Beinn Lora, Benderloch, one Wood Warbler in song (Robin Harvey).
TIREE: 1 Knot at Sorobaidh Bay, 1 Whimbrel at Heylipol,1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Goldcrest, 2 Goldfinch and 2 Common Redpoll at Balephuil (John Bowler).

22nd May
KINTYRE: A 2CY Mediterranean Gull was bird of the day. Also, 50 Ringed Plover, 60 Dunlin, the regular leucistic adult Herring Gull and 4 Sandwich Tern. (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: More Swifts around – 2 over Lochgilphead yesterday, and today – 4 over Kilmelford and 9 over Oban. (Jim Dickson).
ISLAY: Some records at Loch Indaal from Mike Peacock – Common Scoter 26, Velvet Scoter 1 male, Common Tern 2, Arctic tern 7, Great Northern Diver 5, Red-throated Diver 2. Also a belated report of a Dotterel at RSPB Kinnabus on 2nd May (per SOC ).
TIREE: 3CY Iceland Gull at Kenovay, 5 Knot at Loch a’ Phuill – also 1 House Martin there, 5m Ruff at 3 sites,1 Whimbrel at Balevullin, 1 Common Redpoll at the Glebe, 1 Jackdaw, 1f Blackcap and 1 Spotted Flycatcher at Balephuil, 2 Common Tern in with ca 300 Arctic Tern at Milton, 5 Basking Shark off Mannal (John Bowler).

20th May
ISLAY: A Wood Sandpiper was at RSPB Gruinart (per Ian Brooke).
KINTYRE: At MSBO today – 22 Turnstones, a Whimbrel, 12 Sandwich Tern and 3 White Wagtails (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: Two groups of very tiny Greylag Geese goslings at Danna / Loch na Cille today – broods of 3 and 3 (Morag Rea). Had 5 Swifts circling and screaming round our house at Kilmichael Glassary for most of the day, 2 of which were banging and entering the box (Annette Anderton). 3 Whimbrel at Loch Gilp today (Jim Dickson).
NORTH ARGYLL: Walk in the drizzle up Glen Strae today included: 2 full plumage male Mandarins, 4 Goosanders a female Mallard with 8 small ducklings plus another pair and about 6 other males, 5 Teal (4 m, 1 f), also a male Whinchat, 2 Common Sandpipers, 4 Cuckoos (3+m) and 2 Grey Wagtails being the highlights (Mike Anderson).

19th May
ISLAY: George Newall now home (with his photos) after 3 weeks over on Islay and had found a fem/1w Black Redstart at Claggain Bay on 13th May. A report of the male Ring-necked Duck again at Loch Finlaggan today (per BirdGuides). A drake Green-winged Teal again at the north hide RSPB Gruinart reserve today (James Butcher).
MID-ARGYLL: 7 Swifts over Oban this morning (3 last evening) – also 6 singing Wood Warblers Gen Nant today (Mike Anderson).

18th May
MID-ARGYLL: No sign of the 2CY Yellow-legged Gull at Loch Gilp so far today at 11.30 am – 2 Bar-tailed Godwits there – also 5 Whimbrels there this evening and 39 Kittiwakes flew up Loch Fyne and turned back once they reached Loch Gilp (Jim Dickson).

17th May
MID-ARGYLL: A 2CY (first-winter) Yellow-legged Gull was at the head of Loch Gilp late morning today briefly but was back there at 5.15pm. Only the third record for Argyll if accepted by the SBRC. James Lehmann had a new ‘garden tick’ with a Golden Eagle flying over this evening.
COLONSAY: 2 Great Skuas in west of island today at 3.00pm, performing what looked like a courtship dance (Ian Cooper).

16th May
ISLAY: A Lesser Whitethroat was reported from Rockside (Bob Davison).
MID-ARGYLL: Anne-Lise Dickie reported an Osprey fishing at Loch nan Druimean, Kilmelford and 2 male Hen Harriers over over her garden at Scammadale was a garden tick. An imm White-tailed Eagle soared over my house in Cairnbaan this afternoon (Jim Dickson).
MULL: 2 Tree Sparrows at Treshish House yesterday (Anand prasad per Alan Spellman).
NORTH ARGYLL: Robin Harvey noted 2 small Moorhen chicks now at Benderloch gravel pits.

15th May
KINTYRE: A brief but unmistakable sighting of a male Pied Flycatcher by the road side at High Ugadale near Saddell (Alasdair Paterson).
MID-ARGYLL: A male Common Redstart in song at Barnakill (Cairnbaan) this morning – also a juv Siskin found dead after hitting a window (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: 1 Tree Sparrow new at Balephuil today – also 1 Robin, 1 Woodpigeon, 1m Chaffinch and 2 Chiffchaff there. 3 male Ruff at one site (John Bowler).

14th May
ISLAY: Now 6 Tree Sparrows today at Ian & Margaret Brooke’s nature reserve at Kilchoman. Update from Ian at 18:40…now 8 birds! Also from Ian, a report of a Hobby at Ardbeg yesterday…message left from Steve? ….more information will be required for this rare visitor to Argyll please.
TIREE: 2 female Hawfinch still at Balephuil – also 2 Common Redpoll, 1 female Blackcap, 1m Chaffinch and 1 Goldfinch there. 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Swift, 2 House Martin and 3 Cuckoo at Carnan Mor. 1 Common Tern at Sorobaidh Bay with 20 Arctic Terns. 4 Whooper Swans on the sea at the Green (John Bowler).

13th May
KINTYRE: Torrisdale Castle Estate today; best for views was a male Hen Harrier, a Cuckoo and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Singing birds included 3 Tree Pipit, 2 male Common Redstart, 4 Spotted Flycatcher, a Pied Flycatcher, 7 Blackcap, 2 Wood Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff and a Bullfinch. A Jay flew over our heads calling (Eddie Maguire and group).
MID-ARGYLL: 10 Canada Geese with 6 Goslings at Ulva Lagoons and another 3 Canada with 10 Goslings on the marshes nearer Loch na Cille. We saw 24 Greylags in several groups in the area, but no Goslings yet (Morag Rea). At the Add Estuary – 2 lots Canada Geese with first goslings noted on 7th May. In the garden at Cairbaan today a single Garden Warbler and nearby a reeling Grasshopper Warbler and singing Common Whitethroat (Jim Dickson).
MULL: A report of a Great White Egret yesterday at Dervaig – more details required please.
TIREE: 2 female Hawfinch at Balephuil and the first Spotted Flycatcher of the spring there (John Bowler).

12th May
KINTYRE: Eddie Maguire had good views of a female type Montagu’s Harrier at Strath (The Laggan), Kintyre at 08:10 this morning – potentially a new Argyll species if accepted by the SBRC.
MID-ARGYLL: Two Garden Warblers in song along the Crinan canal near Bellanoch this morning – also 5 Whinchat ters noted from the Moine Mhor roads (Jim Dickson).