MID-ARGYLL: an adult Little Gull was new at the Add Estuary, also 2 ad Common Terns and 2 juv Black-headed Gulls there with 20+ ads. At Loch Gilp a mass of hirundines feeding low over the exposed mud with 100+ Swallows, 20 Sand Martins and 8 House Martins, also 3 Swifts over the loch. Also 80+ Black-headed Gulls with several juvs and 30+ Common Terns (Jim Dickson). A Whimbrel was at Keillmore today (John Aitchison).
KINTYRE: an adult male Merlin was at Cour (N of Carradale) today (Alasdair Patterson).
JURA: a single Storm Petrel was seen from the Colonsay ferry off SE Jura (David Jardine).