KINTYRE: A Chiffchaff heard singing today in Carradale and later a Swallow at Portrigh (Alasdair Paterson). At Tayinloan 4 Sandwich Terns, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Chiffchaff and 1 Swallow. 2 Swallows also seen at Rhunahaorine as well as 2 Velvet Scoter (David Jardine).
MID-ARGYLL: Pink-footed Goose – singles seen with Greylags at Poltalloch and Barsloisnoch, also 2+ Sand Martins this evening over the River Add at Dalvore (David Jardine). A Greenshank again at the north end of Scotnish, also a flock of around 70-80 Siskin on the road and roadside verge about 500m north of Loch Collie Bhar car park – I’ve never seen such a large flock (Doug Menzies). A Brambling in our Tayvallich garden – first seen there in 21 years! (Morag Rea). An Osprey was at the Add Estuary around mid-day (Caroline Anderson).
TIREE: 1 Siskin, 4 Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrest, 1 Woodpigeon, 2 Linnet, 1 Dunnock, 1 Wheatear and 120 Redwing (many in communal sub-song) at Balephuil, 1 Jackdaw east over Loch a’ Phuill, also 1,300 Golden Plover, 3 Goldeneye and 40 Redwing there; 1 Jackdaw and 1f Wheatear at Sorobaidh Bay. 24 Great Northern Divers and 170 Manx Shearwaters feeding off Hynish (John Bowler). 6 Goldcrest seen at Caoles (Rhoda Meek).
COWAL: This afternoon at Toward point – 4 Sandwich Tern, a pair of Red-throated Diver and on Loch Loskin outside of Dunoon late this evening, one drake Mandarin Duck (Alisair McGregor).