ISLAY: The RED-BREASTED GOOSE was seen again today – among a large group of Barnacle Geese (John Wills). Also at Loch Gruinart a juv RED KITE was reported by Teresa Morris.
TIREE: Juv PECTORAL SANDPIPER again at Loch an Eilein (John Bowler).
COWAL/ISLAY/KINTYRE/MID-ARGYLL: An update on LITTLE EGRET sightings – recent reports have included up to 6 at the Holy Loch/Loch Riddon in Cowal, 2 on Islay, 1 at Campbeltown Loch, Kintyre and 3 at Loch Gilp, Mid-Argyll. Worth looking out for others around our Argyll coastline and please report any you see to