NORTH ARGYLL: Large numbers of Redwing in north Argyll, including 280 at Barcaldine and 100+ at Ardachy. Loch Etive; many taking part in communal singing (David Jardine)
MID-ARGYLL: A Willow Warbler was singing at Taynish NNR today (Malcolm Chattwood). At least 6 Wheatears in the Ellenabeich area (Isle of Seil) with one White Wagtail (David Jardine)
COWAL: A Swallow see near Sandbank this morning , then later this afternoon at the Gantocks , Dunoon, approx. 30 Gannets, 15 Shag and 20 Cormorants mostly in dispute over what looked like a plaice (Alistair McGregor). Another Swallow today – at Strachur (Jim Nolan). A Nuthatch seen very well at Ardkinglas woodland – also a Chiffchaff singing (Birders on return from Estonia…).
KINTYRE: Our bird club had an outing to the sound of Gigha and along with the expected GN Divers, Slav Grebes, Common Scoters etc we had a couple of Swallows at the west coast salmon site (Doug Menzies/Bute birders).
MULL: A report of a Tree Pipit at Gribun (Jim & Linda Hurles).