MID-ARGYLL: A Great White Egret was at Loch Ederline at 09:40 today then flew off west (Pete Creech). 2 male Black Grouse were at the Moine Mhor this morning (Fiona Dickson). Yesterday a Kingfisher was on the River Add at Dunadd (Malcolm Chattwood).
COWAL: At the Holy Loch today – Alistair McGregor reported – 1 Greenshank, 1 Knot, 1 Kingfisher and a Hen Harrier.
TIREE: 2 Long-eared Owls roosting all day in garden at Balephuil – also 1 Brambling there (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: Yesterday at the Machrihanish SBO – 18 Purple Sandpipers >S + 6 resting (Eddie Maguire).