TIREE: A male RING-NECKED DUCK at Loch a’ Phuill today. Also a juv GLAUCOUS GULL at the Maze on 3rd Jan and another juv at Balemartine on 2nd Jan.
MID-ARGYLL: A presumed 3cy YELLOW-LEGGED GULL at Loch Gilp late afternoon (Jim Dickson).

TIREE: A male RING-NECKED DUCK at Loch a’ Phuill today. Also a juv GLAUCOUS GULL at the Maze on 3rd Jan and another juv at Balemartine on 2nd Jan.
MID-ARGYLL: A presumed 3cy YELLOW-LEGGED GULL at Loch Gilp late afternoon (Jim Dickson).