MID-ARGYLL: A single Common Tern (still showing a dark bill) at Loch Gilp this morning, also 2 Sandwich Terns and 3 Red-throated Divers there plus a Purple Sandpiper on Duncuan Island. At the Add Estuary a Greenshank and a passage of Swallows over the Moin Mhor with 16 >E between 9 – 9.30am and a Pink-footed Goose still with Greylags at Barsloisnoch farm (Jim Dickson). John Sedgwick noted his first House Martins back at Balvicar, Seil Island today and first Grasshopper Warbler there yesterday. 2 singing Wood Warblers at Dalavich are our first report, also 2 Tree Pipits there (David Jardine).
ISLAY: Peter Roberts noted an Arctic Tern at Bruichladdich, Loch Indaal today.
KINTYRE: A few migrants going through today at Machrihanish SBO – including the first two Common Sandpipers of the year, 5 Whimbrel, 4 Sandwich Terns and only 2 White Wagtail (Eddie Maguire).
TIREE: Some 200 Pale-bellied Brents headed low west over Loch a’ Phuill in rain at 1645hrs and then north up the coast – also 2w Glaucous Gull, 6 White Wagtail, 350 Golden Plover, 7 Black-tailed Godwit and 35 Sand Martin there, 3,500 Golden Plover at the Reef, 1m Siskin, 3 Goldfinch, 3 Chiffchaff, 1m and 1f Blackcap and 2 Goldcrest at Balephuil (John Bowler).
MULL: A report of the first Whinchat – at Inverlussa yesterday (Bryan Rains per Mullbirds).