COWAL: A Black-tailed Godwit was at the Holy Loch today and a Tree Pipit in Glen Massan (Alistair McGregor).
KINTYRE: Eddie Maguire has sent in photos of both nominate and Greenland type Northern Wheatears taken at Machrihanish SBO.
MULL: Carole Moore has kindly provided a photo of the first-summer male Black Redstart at Killiechronan yesterdaty taken by her husband Paul.
MID-ARGYLL: Jon Close noted at least 8 singing Grasshopper Warblers around the Moine Mhor at 6am today – also 3 calling Cuckoos. A 2CY Iceland Gull was in the middle of the Add Estuary late morning (Jim Dickson).
COLL: First report of a Corn Crake today – a male at Roundhouse (David Andrews per John Bowler).