Please send your sightings to Jim Dickson (Argyll Bird Recorder) to:
Posts on this page are for scarce & rare sightings. Descriptions will be required for species listed by the Argyll, Scottish & British rare bird committees prior to their acceptance. Rare bird forms are available from Jim.
The Argyll Bird Club has a Facebook group if you wish to post your own sightings and photographs for all other reports. In addition, please submit any relevant records to BTO BirdTrack or the Argyll bird recording system. Contact Malcolm Chattwood email:
The 2021 ARGYLL BIRD REPORT was published on 23rd April (click here) Argyll Bird Report 33 2021 
Recent Reports of Scarce & Rare Sightings 2022
1st October
TIREE: A PECTORAL SANDPIPER was seen briefly with other waders at Baugh this morning (David Jardine).
ISLAY: A fem/imm MARSH HARRIER was seen again at RSPB Loch Gruinart today (Peter Roberts). Two MEDITERRANEAN GULLS (age not given) at head of Loch Indaal (Scott Johnson). A LITTLE STINT was reported at Loch Gruinart today (Mark Newell).
28th September
TIREE: A juvenile AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER was in with a flock of Golden Plovers at Baugh this afternoon (Jim Dickson et al). Also – on 27th Sep – 2 LAPLAND BUNTINGS at the west end of Balephetrish Bay (Iain Livingstone et al).

26th September
TIREE: A BALEARIC SHEARWATER >W past Aird early morning, also a juv POMARINE SKUA and a small movement of Arctic Skuas.
25th September
MID-ARGYLL: A report of a RED KITE drifting over Loch Gair this morning (Michael Reid).
23rd September
MULL: A juvenile SABINE’S GULL flew west offshore; also 220 SOOTY SHEARWATERS off the N of Iona (Theo de Clermont et al).
COLL: Two GREY PHALAROPES were seen from the Oban – Tiree ferry off Coll (David Jardine).
22nd September
TIREE: A LAPLAND BUNTING flew over Balephuil today – also a migrant Garden Warbler arrival there (John Bowler).
20th September
TIREE: Three LESSER WHITETHROATS at Balephuil today, also single juv CURLEW SANDPIPER at Vaul Bay and juv LITTLE STINT at Gott Bay (John Bowler).
MULL: An amazing sight of 300+ SOOTY SHEARWATERS and a breaching Minke Whale off Staffa (Ewan Miles, Jack Waldie).
ISLAY: A GREEN SANDPIPER arose from a small pool by Mulindry (Patrick Cavannagh).
14th September
TIREE: A 1cy BARRED WARBLER showed briefly first thing in the garden at Balephuil, also the 1cy YELLOW WAGTAIL showing at Sandaig and Juv SPOTTED REDSHANK still at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler).

13th September
TIREE: A YELLOW WAGTAIL flew south calling at Sandaig (race not determined) and Juv SPOTTED REDSHANK still at Loch a’ Phuill (Keith Gillon).
MID-ARGYLL: A 1cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL at Loch Gilp this am (Jim Dickson).
ISLAY: A report of a SABINE’S GULL (age?) from the Islay ferry (per Birdguides) – reporter?
12th September
TIREE: A juvenile SPOTTED REDSHANK was found at Loch a’ Phuill this afternoon (Keith Gillon).
MULL: A 1cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL was at Java point yesterday 11/9 (Nancy Somerville).
10th September
MULL: A juv PECTORAL SANDPIPER found near Caliach Point, NW Mull (Theo de Clermont).
ISLAY: A juv SPOTTED REDHANK was on a pool by the Machir Bay track this am (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: Up to 20 juv Ruff across the island – various observers.

9th September
TIREE: A RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER in the garden at Balephuil this am (John Bowler), juv LITTLE STINT at Traigh Ghrianal on 9th (Ewan Forbes).

8th September
TIREE: Huge feeding aggregation off Milton this am: 2-3 GREAT SHEARWATERS (also 1+ GREAT SHEARWATER there y’day (per Keith Gillon) 20,000+ Manxies, 80+ SOOTY SHEARWATER, 1,000+ Gannet, 1,000s auks attending 2 lunge-feeding Humpback Whales, 6+ Minkes & 100s Common Dolphin (John Bowler). Peak of 250+ SOOTY SHEARWATERS (probably many more) feeding off Milton (Keith Gillon).
MULL: A report of a CITRINE WAGTAIL on the beach at Knock yesterday 7/9 – (per Birdguides). Please can the reporter get in touch with Jim: . A report of 1 LITTLE STINT at Killichronan campsite today (Tina Stafford).
ISLAY: Still at least 12 juv CURLEW SANDPIPERS and 1 juv LITTLE STINT at Loch Gruinart today – only part of the loch checked (Jim Dickson).
6th September
ISLAY: At RSPB Loch Gruinart now 2 SPOTTED REDSHANKS and 2 PECTORAL SANDPIPERS (Jim Dickson, Peter Roberts et al). A noteworthy count of 16 juv CURLEW SANDPIPERS at Loch Gruinart (up from 3 on 3/9) also 4 juv LITTLE STINT and fem MARSH HARRIER there (Jim Dickson).
MULL: At sea NW of Mull today 06/09 0930-1430: Juvenile LITTLE GULL, c30 Storm Petrels, 1 Arctic & 1 Great Skua, 1 Puffin, 4 R-T Diver (
5th September
ISLAY: At RSPB Loch Gruinart a juv SPOTTED REDSHANK and a juv PECTORAL SANDPIPER (Jim Dickson, Peter Roberts et al). First 2 ‘Pale-bellied’ BRENT GEESE of the autumn at Loch Indaal, also now 4 RUFF at Loch Gruinart (Jim Dickson).
4th September
TIREE: Seawatching off Hynish produced a BALEARIC SHEARWATER and 1 GREY PHALAROPE (John Bowler) and from Milton a juvenile LONG-TAILED SKUA (Keith Gillon). Juv fem MARSH HARRIER still around (John Bowler).
MULL: Cailiach headland seawatch today 1000-1250: 43 SOOTY SHEARWATERS N, 259 Manx Shearwater N, 4 Arctic Skua, 2 Great Skua, Fulmar 6S2N, Gannet 64N51s, Kittiwake 53S 103N, 1 Swift NW (Theo de Clermont).
3rd September
ISLAY: A seawatch from the Kennacraig to Port Ellen ferry early am produced 1 BALEARIC and 71 SOOTY SHEARWATERS, also 2 Storm Petrels, 1 Arctic Tern (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: A seawatch from the Oban to Tiree ferry early am produced 2 GREAT SHEARWATERS with 1 off Coll and another off Tiree (Tony O’Connor, Mark Newall et al).
MULL: Cailiach Point seawatch today 1000-1400: 2 POMARINE SKUA south (1juv+1sub/ad), 9 Arctic Skua, 5 Great Skua, 5 SOOTY SHEARWATER, c4000 Manx Shearwater, 4 Storm Petrel (Theo de Clermont).
2nd September
TIREE: A LESSER WHITETHROAT new at Balephuil this afternoon – also 55 Black-tailed Godwits at Loch a’ Phuill (John Bowler), 1 juv CURLEW SANDPIPER at Gott Bay and 7 SOOTY SHEARWATERS from the ferry between Mull and Tiree (Keith Gillon).
31st August
Tiree: A seawatch from the Oban to Barra ferry produced highlights of – 2 Grey Phalarope (just off Barra), 7 Minke Whales, 9 Sooty Shearwater, 190 Storm Petrel, 118 Common Dolphin, 4 Arctic Skua, an Ocean Sunfish and a Tope Shark! (per John Bowler on Twitter, also David Jardine et al).
30th August
MID-ARGYLL: Two juvenile CURLEW SANDPIPERS this afternoon at Ulva Lagoon, south of Tayvallich (David Jardine).
29th August
KINTYRE: A male MARSH HARRIER (prob second-summer) was at East Backs, The Laggan today (Kevin Hamilton).
ISLAY: A QUAIL was heard at the RSPB Kinnabus, Oa reserve car park (David wood).
28th August
ISLAY: A boat trip from Islay to Ballycastle, N Ireland produced a highlight of 200+ SOOTY SHEARWATERS (David Dinsley).
27th August
COLONSAY: A juvenile CURLEW SANDPIPER was at Traigh nan Barc today (David Jardine).
TIREE: A PIED FLYCATCHER was at Balephuil today (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: A juvenile MARSH HARRIER was on Luing on 25th Aug (David Jardine).
MULL: The adult BONAPARTE’S GULL was still at Loch Spelve on 24th Aug.
ISLAY: A MARSH HARRIER is still being seen in the Loch Gruinart area.
22nd August
TIREE: A female-type MARSH HARRIER at Cornaigmore, following a male at Baugh on 15th. Also 45 SOOTY SHEARWATERS heading SW off Hynish in 1hr first thing, plus 1 POMARINE SKUA and 7,320 Manx Shearwater there (John Bowler).
21st August
MID-ARGYLL: A juv/1cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL was at Loch Gilp today – also 2 Wigeon there (Jim Dickson).
20th August
ISLAY/GIGHA: Sea-watching from the 7am (Jim Dickson) and the 9.45 am (ABC trip led by David Jardine) Islay ferries produced highlights of 12+ SOOTY SHEARWATERS, 2-4 BALEARIC SHEARWATERS, 2 ARCTIC SKUAS, 1 GREAT SKUA, 8+ ARCTIC TERNS and large nos of Kittiwakes & Manx Shearwaters.

18th August
KINTYRE: A juvenile HONEY-BUZZARD has been sighted on three separate days (location withheld).
MID-ARGYLL: A juv/1cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL was seen at Loch Gilp on 16th Aug (David Jardine).
MULL: The GREEN SANDPIPER is still at Loch Cuin – 17th Aug and the adult BONAPARTE’S GULL is still at Loch Spelve – 15th Aug. A SOOTY SHEARWATER was seen off NW Mull (James Marshall).
ISLAY: Two SOOTY SHEARWATERS were seen from the Kennacraig to Islay ferry, west of Gigha on 15th Aug (Roger Broad) and 1-2 MARSH HARRIERS are still on the island.

12th August
TIREE: A HOBBY watched hunting Swallows at Scarinish Pier this morning by Martin Finnigan after a brief sighting of presumably the same bird at Milton, Tiree on 10 Aug (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: A BLACK KITE was watched for over 5 minutes this afternoon above Loch Caolisport then headed over Achahoish (Joe Parham).
11th August
MULL: A female MARSH HARRIER watched at Gorton, Loch Don this morning (David Bell).
ISLAY: A female MARSH HARRIER watched and photographed at Kinnabus, The oa this evening (David Dinsley).
MID-ARGYLL: Two SWAN GEESE turned up at Loch Gilp this morning then flew off south at 9.40 (Jim Dickson).

9th August
COWAL: A GREEN SANDPIPER was seen on a muddy pool in an upland Glendaruel area (Rhodri Evetts).
8th August
KINTYRE: A 1cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL at Machrihanish SBO this afternoon (J Dickson/D Jardine).

3rd August
MULL: The adult BONAPARTE’S GULL is still present at Loch Spelve (north side) – Theo de Clermont.
29th July
MULL: An adult BONAPARTE’S GULL was at Loch Spelve (Dan Pointon). A first record for Mull if accepted by the BBRC.

27th July
At sea NW of TIREE: Report today via Birdtrack of a WILSON’S PETREL seen from the Oban- Barra ferry on 20th July (Tim Melling/Jonathan Hannam). If accepted by the SBRC it would be the second record for Argyll. The first was of one caught alive in a net on Jura on 1 Oct 1891 which was also the first Scottish record.

21st July
TIREE: A female MARSH HARRIER in central Tiree today – headed SW towards Loch a’ Phuill at 13.00hrs (John Bowler).
17th July
KINTYRE: A probable HOBBY – noted as a small Peregrine type falcon that was hunting dragonflies along the shore north of Tayinloan (Daniel Brown per Neil Brown).
8th July
TIREE: A 2cy PECTORAL SANDPIPER was noted today and seen flying high to SW at 5 pm (John Bowler).