Recent Sightings 2025

Please send your sightings to Jim Dickson (Argyll Bird Recorder) to: 

 Posts on this page are for scarce & rare sightings. Descriptions will be required for species listed by the Argyll, Scottish & British rare bird committees prior to their acceptance. Rare bird forms are available from Jim.

The Argyll Bird Club has a Facebook group if you wish to post your own sightings and photographs for all other reports.  In addition, please submit any relevant records to BTO BirdTrack or the Argyll bird recording system. Contact Malcolm Chattwood email:

The 2024 ARGYLL BIRD REPORT Volume 36 with Systematic List for 2024 is now published as a PDF – (available to ABC members only by an emailed link) 


Recent Reports of Scarce & Rare Sightings 2025


1st March

MID-ARGYLL: A juvenile (2cy) ICELAND GULL was at the head of Loch Gilp this morning – very likely the same individual that has been at the Add Estuary recently (Jim Dickson).

28th February

MID-ARGYLL: An adult LITTLE GULL was at the head of Loch Gilp this morning – bird has metal ring on right leg (Jim Dickson).

26th February

KINTYRE: A juv (2cy) GLAUCOUS GULL was found at Westport Beach – north end (Andrew Russell).

22nd February

ISLAY: An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was at Skerrols today (Clive McKay).
MID-ARGYLL: The juv (2cy) ICELAND GULL was seen again at the Add Estuary (Jim Dickson).

18th February

ISLAY: A first-winter (2cy) MEDITERRANEAN GULL was at Bridgend Merse today (Clive McKay).

16th February

ISLAY: The RED-BREASTED GOOSE was now up at Ardnave today and a RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE was at Coullabus (Steve Percival).
MID-ARGYLL: A juvenile ICELAND GULL was seen in flight off Crinan Harbour – presumably same as the bird at Add Estuary on 14th Feb (Jim Dickson).


14th February

MID-ARGYLL: A Juvenile ICELAND GULL was at the Add Estuary (Frank Cavanagh).

12th February

ISLAY: A CACKLING GOOSE was at Kinnabus, Oa (Henry Wyn-Jones). Two RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GEESE were at Gruinart (Nick Parsons).

11th February

ISLAY: A CACKLING GOOSE was seen at Bridgend (Nick Parsons).

9th February

ISLAY: A RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE was at Killinaallan, Gruinart (Jo Graham).

8th February

MID-ARGYLL / KINTYRE: A report of a possible WHITE-BILLED DIVER seen in flight from the Islay ferry at mouth of West Loch Tarbert (Frank Cavanagh).
ISLAY: Another report of the CACKLING GOOSE – at Leorin (Will Scott).

7th February

ISLAY: Another sighting of the adult RED-BREASTED GOOSE at Gruinart today (Will Scott). Update: An ICELAND GULL was seen to fly over the Oa on 4th Feb (David Wood).

27th January

MID-ARGYLL: Adult male RING-NECKED DUCK is now back at Glenfeochan Loch again, near Kilmore and a first-winter (2cy) YELLOW-LEGGED GULL was showing well early afternoon at the head of Loch Gilp – although no sign of the second-winter bird there today (Jim Dickson). Three LITTLE AUKS were seen from the Colonsay ferry this afternoon off the Garvellach Is. (David Jardine).

25th January

MID-ARGYLL: A 3cy (second-winter) YELLOW-LEGGED GULL made an appearance in with other gulls at the head of Loch Gilp early afternoon (Jim Dickson).

20th January

MID-ARGYLL: An adult BONAPARTE’S GULL was found in with 40+ Black-headed Gulls at the Add Estuary at midday (Jim Dickson).

14th January

ISLAY: A 2cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL was found at the loch at Cornabus – only 10th record for Islay (Ed Burrell).

13th January

ISLAY: Two LITTLE AUK were seen from the Islay ferry SE of Texa island. Later – a STOCK DOVE (rare in winter in Argyll) was found in with WOODPIGEONS at Sunderland Farm (David Jardine).

10th January

KINTYRE: A recent report that slipped us by – a first-winter WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER was found on 25th Dec by Stu Crutchfield at Machrihanish Bay where the Machrihanish Water enters the bay.

3rd January

MID-ARGYLL: An adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL was at Loch Gilp this morning (Jim Dickson) and the male RING-NECKED DUCK now at Luachrach Loch, Oban (David Jardine).

2nd January

KINTYRE: The adult ROSS’S GOOSE was refound today at Clochkeil Farm, N of Machrihanish (Jim Dickson, David Jardine, Frank Cavanagh).

1st January

ISLAY: The male GREEN-WINGED TEAL was seen again at RSPB Loch Gruinart (James How, Peter Roberts).
MULL: Four BRAMBLING seen around NW Mull today (Scott Robinson).

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