MID-ARGYLL: 6 Black-tailed Godwits were new in at Loch Gilp where still 9 Bar-tailed Godwits. Also 2 ff Wheatears there. At Dalvore woods, Moine Mhore a m Redstart, Wood Warbler and Tree Pipit with 3 mm Wheatears nearby and an Osprey fishing at the Add Estuary. A Cuckoo calling at Cairnbaan this evening (Jim Dickson). More Swallows just north of Lochgilphead today (Malcolm Chattwood).
KINTYRE: 35 Sanderlings, at least 20 Whimbrel and 15+ White Wagtails at the Machrihanish SBO today (Eddie Maguire). 3 Common Swifts over Campbeltown this evening 19:45 hrs (Eddie Maguire/Rab Morton)
TIREE: a pair of Common Scoter off Sorobaidh Bay – also 160 GN Diver, 600+ Manx Shearwaters and 1 Minke Whale there in flat calm seas. 2 Pale-bellied Brents at north end of Sorobaidh Bay plus 6 Goldfinch, 4 Whimbrels,1 Willow Warbler, 10 White Wagtails and 1 Little Tern. 2,700 Golden Plover and 83 Black-tailed Godwits this afternoon at Loch a’ Phuill including colour-ringed birds from Iceland and E. Scotland (John Bowler).
COWAL: several Sand Martins and Swallows in the Glen Massan, and excellent views of a Cuckoo (George Newall/Alistair McGregor).