COWAL: 2 Nuthatch at Benmore Gardens hide today (Andrew Mcfarlane).
TIREE: WeBs count today found: 1 Sand Martin at Sorobaidh Bay, 12 Sand Martin at Loch a’ Phuill – also 2w Glaucous Gull and 11 Black-tailed Godwits there, 2w Iceland Gull, 1 Pink-footed Goose and 8 Black-tailed Godwits at Loch Bhasapol. 1f Brambling still at Balephuil plus 1 Redwing, 1m Blackcap and 4 Goldcrest (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: I watched a large forked tail raptor today up above Oakfield woods/Brackley, Lochgilphead, which I am sure was a Red Kite (Nicola Gray-Stephens).
ISLAY: The drake Green-winged Teal as seen again at RSPB Loch Gruinart (James How).
KINTYRE: 8 White Wagtails at Machrihanish SBO (Eddie Maguire).