MID-ARGYLL: A wonderful sighting of a Barn Owl at Loch Dun Caltuinn (Whooper Loch to me!) near Carsaig (Lottie Goodlet). A productive walk up the hill south of Cairnbaan to Dail Loch included – 12 Redwings, 28 Lesser Redpolls, 18 + 40 Goldfinch, 4 Siskins, 60+ Chaffinch, 2 + 4 Bullfinch, 8 Goldcrest, 1 Jay, also the House Martin is still about.. (Jim Dickson).
KINTYRE: Driving to Skipness we were treated to a spectacular hunting display by the Hen Harrier. We also saw a Black Grouse (Val Wells).
COWAL: A Whimbrel was at the head of the Holy Loch, Dunoon today (Alistair McGregor).