MULL: a report received from Felicity Hansen of a Nightjar calling briefly on the nights of 8-9 and 9-10 Aug in her garden at Dervaig.
MID-ARGYLL: A report of a female type Marsh Harrier today on the Moine Mhor moss from Dave Pearson. He saw it well (distinctly dark chocolate brown plumage, creamy head, no pale rump and larger than Hen Harrier) and was hunting for about 7 minutes. An Osprey on the sands at Loch Crinan while a 2CY male Hen Harrier flew over it…(Jim Dickson).
The Osprey was seen by John McInally upstream of the Islanadd bridge and a Greenshank was at the Add Estuary.
TIREE: 105 Dunlins Miodar-Vaul, 1m Corncrake still calling at Hough also 8 Bottle-nosed Dolphins in Gunna Sound (John Bowler).