MID-ARGYLL: a belated report of a Magpie at Bridgend (north of Lochgilphead) on 6 May (John McInally)…always a good record in Mid-Argyll. At Kilmartin this evening a Spotted Flycatcher, a Garden Warbler, Blackcaps, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Yellowhammer, a pair of Grey Wagtails, Redpolls and Common Sandpipers (Jim Dickson). Six Swifts over Oban (above Tescos) this evening (Anne-Lise Dickie).
ISLAY: a report of a male Ring-necked Duck today at Loch Finlaggan (Andrew Greenwood per Ian Brooke).
TIREE: 1 Knot and 7 Bar-tailed Godwits at Gott Bay (Zul Bhatia). 1 Pink-footed Goose at Balevullin. 1 Purple Sandpiper, 220 Ringed Plovers and 1 Whimbrel at Hough Bay (John Bowler).