MID-ARGYLL: Whooper Swans have been stopping off and flying over Loch Gilp in recent days with 16 there on 10 Mar (Simon Lawrence) and 18 on the Loch today then flew off N over the town (Jim Dickson/Simon Lawrence). Also still 90+ Skylarks in a field at Drimvore and at least 2 in song at the Add Estuary (Jim Dickson).
KINTYRE: A sleepy 1w Iceland Gull at Campbeltown pontoon again today (Eddie Maguire). Also 12 Yellowhammers at a garden ground feeding station in a Campbeltown garden. This is the largest flock seen in this area for many years (Eddie Maguire / Esther Thompson).
TIREE: 2 juv Glaucous Gulls together at Baugh – others single juvs (perhaps the same?) at Crossapol and The Reef, 1 juv Glaucous Gull at Balephetrish Bay, 1 Fieldfare at Beinn Gott, 1 Goldcrest at The Glebe, ca 300 Black-h Gulls, 50 Lesser BB Gulls and 20+ Pied Wagtails around East Tiree today on the goose count (John Bowler).
NORTH ARGYLL: a Little Egret again at Dalrannoch, Loch Creran during the WEBS count (Robin Harvey).
COWAL: around 40 Whooper Swans flying all around the Kyles of Bute last night in full moonlight and then headed west. (David Blair).