GENERAL: Thrushes & finches – large flocks of finches, particularly SISKINS have been recorded across Argyll in the last week including 200+ in COWAL, 175 on JURA and more than usual on ISLAY. The largest numbers of BRAMBLING for many years are being reported now and today 70 were noted along the east side of JURA along with counts of 350 CHAFFINCH and 110 GOLDFINCH. An obvious influx of FIELDFARE arrived today and included hundreds on ISLAY, c 550 on JURA and c200 around the wider Moine Mhor area. Also many flocks of 100+ REDWINGS being noted and 1,000 on JURA
MULL: The 1cy RED-BACKED SHRIKE is still showing ar Aros, nr Tobermory today.
JURA: A ‘SIBERIAN’ CHIFFCHAFF was seen nr the school in Craighouse today (Dan Brown).
ISLAY: Birds of note across the island today included – 5 male COMMON POCHARD, 1 CACKLING GOOSE, 1 fem RING-NECKED DUCK, 2 LITTLE EGRETS, male AMERICAN WIGEON, RED-BREASTED GOOSE (un-ringed), 1 LITTLE AUK.