TIREE: Seabirds moving N off West Hynish (08.15- 08.45) – 3,400 Manx Shearwater, 400+ Kittiwakes, 120 Gannets, good numbers of auks, 1 Great Skua (and 1 at Gott Bay yesterday evening) – also 1 Basking Shark. Drop in small wader numbers but still low hundreds of Sanderling, Dunlin (max 110 at Miodar) and Ringed Plover. Also total of 25 Turnstone, 1 Whimbrel still at Balevuliin and 1 Red Knot at Miodar. Several Northern Wheatears and 1 ‘Greenland’ Wheatear at Gott Bay (Jim Dickson).
ISLAY: Ian Brooke was in touch to say that the male Green-winged Teal was seen again at Gruinart yesterday.
KINTYRE: 4 Whimbrel arrived at the MSBO late morning (Eddie Maguire).