COLONSAY: A male Green-winged Teal at East Loch Fada this evening (Alan Davis et al)…perhaps same as birds from 28 Apr on Oronsay?
ISLAY: A red Curlew Sandpiper was in front of the north hide at Gruinart today – also masses of Dunlin arriving (James Butcher). A report of a Ring-necked Duck with Tufteds’ at Loch Finlaggan last Fri 4 May (per Gary Turnbull).
MID-ARGYLL: A second hand report of an adult Common Rosefinch at Cladich, Loch Awe (seen and photographed) however more details not forthcoming a this stage (per Bob Grove).
MULL: A female Common Redstart was at Loch Ba (Stuart Gibson per Alan Spellman).
TIREE: 1m Whitethroat singing at Carnan Mor but no sign of yesterday’s Wood Warbler. 1 Common Tern with the Arctic Terns at Loch a’ Phuill – first of season here – (John Bowler).