KINTYRE: The Little Egret is back at the head of West Loch Tarbert this morning (Blair Urquhart). A Chiffchaff was photographed by the Twite trap at the Machrihanish SBO hide today (Eddie Maguire). A male Snow Bunting close to Port Righ bay this morning, a first for me in this area (Alasdair Paterson).
MID-ARGYLL: 2 Red Knot at Loch Gilp today (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: At Loch Eck this afternoon were 5 Mandarin Ducks – unfortunately they took off before I could get a decent picture (Tom Cameron).
TIREE: 1 ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff at Balephuil, also 2 Brambling and 2 Goldcrest there. 5 Little Grebe together at Loch an Eilein (unusual) also 1 Pink-footed Goose with Greenland White-fronts there. 1 Snow Bunting at Balephetrish (John Bowler).