KINTYRE: A belated report of a flock of c. 40 Waxwings seen on Sat 21 Oct between Southend and Campbeltown (Alistair Anderson per Eddie Maguire). Today a juvenile Iceland Gull immediately north of Campbeltown (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: The 1w American Wigeon still at Loch Gilp this morning but no sign of the Little Egret (Jim Dickson).
ISLAY: A juv Little Gull at Ballinaby and a presumed ‘Todd’s’ Canada Goose at Rock mountain road today (Gary Turnbull). On The Oa…a Ring Ouzel today,found by my wife whilst walking the dog! Also 2 Bramblings, 1 Chiffchaff and 5 Goldcrests. Further increase in Redwing to c.3,000 birds, with a few hundred Fieldfares (David Wood).
COWAL: A Whimbrel between Ardentinny and the Holy Loch today and 10 Red-legged Partridge nr Baillemore (Loch Striven) and a probable Golden Eagle (Stu Ingledew)