KINTYRE: a Lesser Whitethroat was noted at Point Sands campsite yesterday (Neil Hammatt).
A report of 2 male Goshawks seen at the N and S ends of the Kintyre way last week – 30 Apr and 4 May (Chic McSherry).
MID-ARGYLL: at Barnakill, Crinan Canal today: Garden, Sedge, Grasshopper and Wood Warblers, also 3 Blackcaps, Cuckoo and Common Sandpiper (Jim Dickson).
A Swift was seen in Oban today (Malcolm and Sue Chattwood).
TIREE: Lesser Whitethroat, Tree Pipit, 2m Blackcap, Cuckoo, 6 Willow Warblers and 1 Common Redpoll at Carnan Mor. Tree Sparrow, 2 Lesser Redpolls, Whitethroat, 1m Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaffs, 2 Grasshopper Warblers, 3 Willow Warblers, 6 Sedge Warblers and 1f Chaffinch at Balpehuil (John Bowler).
A white-phase Gyrfalcon was reported from Tiree Airport on the evening of 4 May – seen by several people including Airport staff and a pilot but not seen since.