TIREE: A new Hawfinch at Balephuil today –this time a male! Also 2 Chiffchaff and 2 Goldcrest still there. The imm male Ring-necked Duck and imm Scaup still at Loch a’ Phuill, plus 1 Little Grebe, 4 Gadwall, 2 Pintail and 16 Goldfinch there (John Bowler).
ISLAY: A Lesser Whitethroat today in Martin Armstrong’s garden at Glenegedale…perhaps a bird of eastern origin (Martin Armstrong per David Wood).
COWAL: This afternoon Alistair McGregor counted 16 Grey Herons at the Holy Loch, Dunoon. The Kingfisher was also present and a Goldeneye. At least 4 Crossbills were at Benmore gardens.
MULL: The Little Egret is still at Fishnish (Debbie Thorne).