COWAL: at Ardkinglass gardens today 2 Nuthatches and 2 Wood Warblers (Neil Hammatt et al).
COLONSAY: more recent sightings per David Jardine included a Dotterel on Oronsay on 1 May and a Whitethroat on Colonsay on 2 May.
MID-ARGYLL: at Taynish NNR this morning at least 8 Wood Warbler territories, also 5 separate sightings of Tree Pipits. Also on 1 May up to 5 Cuckoo’s calling and one female ‘burbling’ at Moine Mhor 05.00 hrs (Jon Close). Two Whitethroats in Ormsary on 2 May (Stu Crutchfield).
ISLAY: a male Marsh Harrier was at the Gruinart RSPB reserve today (James How per Ian Brooke).
TIREE: a reeling and 1 non-reeling Grasshopper Warbler new at Balephuil this morning with a Tree Sparrow there this evening. 1m Ring Ouzel briefly at Hynish plus 2 Common Sandpipers there, also late report of a juv Iceland Gull there on 30 April (John Bowler).