ISLAY: both the first-year Mediterranean Gulls still at Rhubha Ban, Loch Indaal this morning. Also 11 juv Black-tailed Godwits and 1 Ruff at Loch Gruinart, 1 Gadwall, 41 Tufted Duck and 1 Scaup at Loch Gorm (Jim Dickson).
TIREE: Buff-breasted Sandpiper and adult American Golden Plover still at Sandaig in flock of 200+ Golden Plover. Garden Warbler and Robin new in at Balephuil with 1f Blackcap still there. 1 Kestrel new at Balemartine. 5th dead Cuvier’s Beaked Whale arrived at Traigh Ghrianal after the 4th at Hynish on 30 Aug (John Bowler).