COLONSAY: A 2CY Iceland Gull at Kiloran Bay today (Patrick Styles).
KINTYRE: A report of a Nightjar ‘churring’ near Mausdale the last two evenings, after 10pm (per Alisdair Paterson).
TIREE: No further sign of the Common Rosefinch at Balephuil today but no fewer than 7 Spotted Flycatchers between there and Carnan Mor, 1 pair of Common Whitethroats, 1 pair of Blackcaps, 4 Common Redpoll and a record influx of 12 Woodpigeons including a flock of 10 which flew off W (John Bowler). Also 1 Pied Flycatcher today (Ben Steel per John Bowler).
Some photos below of a Meadow Pipit that was attacking a Collared Dove for about 5 minutes at Balephuil, Tiree the other day – the dove was pursued by the pipit in flight and continued to be mobbed on the ground – I’m sure the pipit mistakenly thought the dove was a Cuckoo – as a Cuckoo in the area. The Collared Dove looked perplexed! (Jim Dickson).