Recent Sightings 2024

Please send your sightings to Jim Dickson (Argyll Bird Recorder) to: 

 Posts on this page are for scarce & rare sightings. Descriptions will be required for species listed by the Argyll, Scottish & British rare bird committees prior to their acceptance. Rare bird forms are available from Jim.

The Argyll Bird Club has a Facebook group if you wish to post your own sightings and photographs for all other reports.  In addition, please submit any relevant records to BTO BirdTrack or the Argyll bird recording system. Contact Malcolm Chattwood email:

The 2023 ARGYLL BIRD REPORT Volume 35 with Systematic List for 2023 is now published as a PDF – (available to ABC members only by an emailed link) 


2024 Spring Migrants Table: SPRING MIGRANTS 2024 to 1 July


Recent Reports of Scarce & Rare Sightings 2024


16th June

KINTYRE: A belated report received today of a female type COMMON ROSEFINCH at Gigalum, south Gigha on 31st May (Keith Helm).
MULL: An adult POMARINE SKUA was reported off Staffa (per Birdguides)

COMMON ROSEFINCH – Gigha, Kintyre 31st May (Keith Helm)

15th June

TIREE: A QUAIL calling early this morning (0230hrs) from a hay field at Greenhill during the Corncrake survey (John Bowler).

8th June

MID-ARGYLL/MULL: An immature (2cy) POMARINE SKUA was seen and photographed from the Oban to Craignure ferry this afternoon (Patrick Safford).

7th June

KINTYRE: A GREAT EGRET flew past the South Pier, Isle of Gigha at 1500hrs. Found by Tianna Salmeron.

GREAT EGRET – Kintyre 7 Jun (Colin James Cross)

6th June

KINTYRE: A QUAIL was heard in an area just south of Claonaig this morning (per Birdguides).

3rd June

TIREE: A LESSER WHITETHROAT was seen briefly at Balephuil (John Bowler).

30th May

NORTH ARGYLL: A POMARINE SKUA was seen in the Firth of Lorne east of Lismore (Stuart Gibson).

29th May

TIREE: The fem/2cy RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER is still present at Balephuil and a LESSER WHITETHROAT was seen and in song at The Glebe today (John Bowler).
ISLAY: A 2cy GLAUCOUS GULL was at Bridgend today (David Dinsley) and the 2cy AMERICAN WIGEON is still about at Cornabus (Ed Burrell).
KINTYRE: An adult male ROSY STARLING was found in a garden at Tayinloan today (Leigh Sarah Gilchrist).


28th May

MID-ARGYLL: A report of a NIGHTJAR seen just south of Kilberry at 08.30 am (Neil Brown).
TIREE: A fem/2cy RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER was new in at 17.00 pm at Balephuil (John Bowler).

RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER -Tiree 28.05.24 (John Bowler)

26th May

TIREE: The MARSH WARBLER still present today at Balephuil and with further study now re-identified as a BLYTH’S REED WARBLER. Also a fem-type COMMON ROSEFINCH there today (John Bowler).

BLYTH’S REED WARBLER – Tiree 25th May (John Bowler)

25th May

TIREE: MARSH WARBLER singing in the Balephuil garden today arrived on SE winds (quite showy at first but quickly found cover) – the 8th record for the island and the 6th record for the garden (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: A TURTLE DOVE seen briefly in the Connell are (Frank Cavannagh).

24th May

COLONSAY: A BOHEMIAN WAXWING was seen today at Kiloran bunkhouse (David Jardine). Yesterday, 23rd – at sea off Colonsay – single POMARINE & ARCTIC SKUAS (Martin Benson).
KINTYRE: A EURASIAN HOBBY was seen at Lephenstrath Bridge south Kintyre just before 3pm (Ann & Noel Hand)

20th May

TIREE: an adult ‘Russian’ WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE at Balephetrish today (John Bowler).

19th May

ISLAY: The 2cy male AMERICAN WIGEON is still at the Cornabus pool (Ed Burrell).

18th May

TIREE: A male GARGANEY at Loch a’ Phuill today (John Bowler).

17th May

JURA: A TURTLE DOVE this evening at Tarbert (Louise & Gordon Muir).
MID-ARGYLL: A GREAT WHITE EGRET seem & confirmed today at N end of Loch Sween – our first report of one this year.
MULL: The 2cy male SURF SCOTER still present at Calgary Bay today.

15th May

ISLAY: A distant possible male AMERICAN WIGEON seen in poor weather at Cornabus yesterday by Ed Burrell is still present there today – still distant but looks fine for a 2cy male AMERICAN WIGEON. A male GARGANEY again at RSPB Loch Gruinart (Linden Kingston).
TIREE: A 2cy GLAUCOUS GULL at Loch Bhasapol today and  belated news received today of a fem BLUE-HEADED type YELLOW WAGTAIL at Balephetrish & a WOOD SANDPIPER at Loch a’ Phuill both on 9 May (John Bowler), also a CURLEW SANDPIPER reported this week (Iain Livingston & group).

13th May

TIREE: A report of 2 HOOPOES seen in the Gott Bay area at 3pm (Pamela Templeton).

11th May

NORTH ARGYLL: A report of a CATTLE EGRET at Port Appin (per Birdguides).
MULL: The 2cy male SURF SCOTER is still at Calgary Bay.

9th May

MULL: A 2cy male SURF SCOTER was found at Calgary Bay (Alex Ash).

8th May

MULL: A HOOPOE was in a garden at Crannich at 4.30pm this afternoon (Karen Gray).

6th May

ISLAY: A WOOD SANDPIPER at Cornabus this evening (David Dinsley).

4th May

MID-ARGYLL: A small agile ring-tail type harrier – most likely a PALLID HARRIER was seen distantly over fields at Barsloinoch this evening – mobbed by Lapwings before disappearing. Unfortunately not enough seen on it to confirm the ID (James Lehmann).

3rd May

TIREE: A BEE-EATER at Balephuil this evening. Report from John Bowler: Very luckily I was out in the garden at 2025hrs sorting out my moth-trap and it flew over south calling loudly. I was able to pick it up in my bins, as it drifted slowly south along the hillside at Carnan Mor towards Hynish and I could see quite a bit of plumage detail on it.

1st May

ISLAY: Two male GARGANEY at RSPB Loch Gruinart (James How, Linden Kingston).
MULL: Still a male GARGANEY at Bunessan (Tony Jeffree).

28th April

COLONSAY: A PECTORAL SANDPIPER found today on Oronsay (Morgan Vaughan).

27th April

ISLAY: A report of a GOSHAWK today in south side of the island (Linden Kingston).
TIREE: A female BLACK REDSTART at Balephuil early evening (John Bowler).

21st April

ISLAY: Two TREE SPARROWS were in the Kinnabus area, Oa today – were noted breeding there back in 2009 (David Dinsley).

17th April

MULL: A GOSHAWK was seen in SE part of the island today (David Naylor)

16th April

MID-ARGYLL: A male GOLDEN ORIOLE heard & sound recorded at Fearnoch, nr Taynuilt this morning (Greg Smith).

9th April

TIREE: A fem MARSH HARRIER at Balephuil today (John Bowler).

5th April

MID-ARGYLL: A female (prob 2cy) AMERICAN WIGEON at the Add Estuary this afternoon. Difficult to determine to what extent it is pure or a hybrid as view quite distant (Jim Dickson).

2nd April

COLL: A HOOPOE this afternoon –  in paddocks behind Coll Medical Practice, Arinagour (per Birdguides).

1st April

TIREE: A suspected/unconfirmed 2cy CASPIAN GULL today at Sorobaidh Bay (Dylan Daunt).
NORTH ARGYLL: A STOCK DOVE at Ardtur, North Appin today (David Jardine, Frank Cavanagh).

28th March

TIREE: The adult LITTLE GULL was again at Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler).

27th March

TIREE: A SNOW BUNTING at Balinoe today, also the GREY-BELLIED BRANT is still around (John Bowler).

21st March

MULL: Two STOCK DOVES together in the Gruline area (Arthur Brown). A less than annual species to Mull. Also a 2cy LITTLE GULL at Killiechronan, Loch na Keal (P & A Brown) and presumably the same as bird there on 15 Mar (Tim Dixon).

19th March

MID-ARGYLL: An adult GOSHAWK was seen today at an undisclosed site (David Jardine).

11th March

MID-ARGYLL: A male GREEN-WINGED TEAL today on Luing at Lochan ILitter (per Birdguides).
TIREE: The 1w GREY-BELLIED BRANT has moved to Ruaig today (Jim Dickson).

9th March

TIREE: A first-winter Brent Goose was in with a Barnacle Goose flock at Vaul – showing features of GREY-BELLIED BRANT (still of uncertain taxonomic status). Jim Dickson

GREY-BELLIED BRANT – Vaul, Tiree 9th Mar (Jim Dickson)

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