Recent Sightings 2024

Please send your sightings to Jim Dickson (Argyll Bird Recorder) to: 

 Posts on this page are for scarce & rare sightings. Descriptions will be required for species listed by the Argyll, Scottish & British rare bird committees prior to their acceptance. Rare bird forms are available from Jim.

The Argyll Bird Club has a Facebook group if you wish to post your own sightings and photographs for all other reports.  In addition, please submit any relevant records to BTO BirdTrack or the Argyll bird recording system. Contact Malcolm Chattwood email:

The 2023 ARGYLL BIRD REPORT Volume 35 with Systematic List for 2023 is now published as a PDF – (available to ABC members only by an emailed link) 


2024 Spring Migrants Table: SPRING MIGRANTS 2024 to 1 July


Recent Reports of Scarce & Rare Sightings 2024


12th October

COLL/HIGHLAND REGION at sea: A count of 1,000+ GREAT SHEARWATERS was made from the Oban-Barra ferry (Mark Lewis) and 4 GREAT and 1 CORY’S SHEARWATERS were noted from Aird TIREE (John Bowler).
ISLAY: An adult RED-BREASTED GOOSE (returning bird) was back at Loch Gruinart today (Theo de Clermont et al).

10th October

NORTH ARGYLL: A juvenile SPOTTED REDSHANK was reported from Loch Laich today (per Birdguides) – more details are required please.
ISLAY: An adult male RING-NECKED DUCK was found at Loch Skerrols today (Theo de Clermont).
TIREE: The RING-NECKED DUCK is still present at Loch a’ Phuill and a 1w RING OUZEL was at Balephuil (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL/MULL: A LITTLE GULL and a POMARINE SKUA were reported from the Mull ferry (C Taylor).

9th October

COLONSAY: A SNOW BUNTING was noted on Oronsay today.

8th October

ISLAY: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was seen in a garden west side of Loch Gruinart (Clive McKay).

7th October

ISLAY: A TURTLE DOVE was found at Portnahaven (Mary McGregor).
TIREE: New YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS were noted on the island with 3 at Balephuil and 1 at Balinoe Campsite & The Glebe bird still present. An adult male RING-NECKED DUCK was found at Loch a’ Phuil (Theo de Clermont, Jim Dickson).
COWAL: 2 GREAT WHITE EGRETS were seen at Loch Riddon (Stuart Kelly).

6th October

TIREE: The AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER and 2 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS and a SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF (Balephuil) still present and a new SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF found at Kilmaluaig (Theo de Clermont, Jim Dickson).

5th October

TIREE: A juv SABINE’S GULL flew W past Hynish (John Bowler).
MID-ARGYLL: 3 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS were found on Kerrera today (Anne McGregor).

4th October

TIREE: A CATTLE EGRET was found at The Glebe (John Bowler, Theo de Clermont, Jim Dickson) – only the second for Tiree and seventh for Argyll.

3rd October

TIREE: At least 5 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS with bird at Hough Bay, Vaul Haven, Vaul Seaside, The Glebe & Balephuil (John Bowler, Theo de Clermont, Jim Dickson, Stuart Gibson).
NORTH ARGYLL: A GREY PHALAROPE was seen from the ferry (David Jardine).

30th September

TIREE: 10+ GREAT SHEARWATERS off Gunna Sound, from ferry (Theo de Clermont) and 3 seen from Milton (John Bowler). 2 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS at Balephuil (John Bowler, Jim Dickson) and 1 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER at The Glebe (Jim Dickson, Stuart Gibson).

29th September

COLONSAY: A PECTORAL SANDPIPER was found at Garvard today (Ross Ahmed).
MID-ARGYLL: A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen at Clachan-Seil, Seil Island yesterday 28 Sep (Stephen Fenwick). 2 first-winter MEDITERRANEAN GULLS were noted during the BTO Winter Gull Survey (WingGS) counts at Loch Gilp (David Jardine) on 28 Sep.

26th September

TIREE: Adult AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER still at Sandaig and juv BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER again at Ruaig (Jim Dickson).

23rd September

COWAL / CLYDE recording region: A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen flying N up Loch Long at 12.15 past Glen Mallan jetty towards Arrochar direction (John Simpson).
TIREE: The juv BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER was seen again today at Ruaig/Kirkapol (Nick Wall).
MULL: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER was found at Dervaig this morning (Ewan Miles).

22nd September

TIREE: Two AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVERS at Crossapol today – at least one bird from earlier and perhaps a new bird (Nick Wall).

21st September

TIREE: A YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER new in at Balephuil today (John Bowler). A LITTLE STINT was at Gott Bay (Keith Gillon) and one AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER is still present.
ISLAY: Two GREAT WHITE EGRETS at RSPB Loch Gruinart from the hides this morning (Linden Kingston).
MID-ARGYLL: A GREAT WHITE EGRET was seen at Blackmill Bay, Isle of Luing today (Rob Lightfoot).

20th September

TIREE: A TURTLE DOVE (found by Nick Wall) moved from Balephuil beach car park to the shore edge of Loch a’ Phuill (near the pumping station) by midday but very mobile (per John Bowler). A BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER was found at Ruaig around 7.30pm – a just reward for Keith Gillon’s searches on Tiree over the last week.
ISLAY: Clive McKay had an amazing encounter with a flock of 13 GREAT WHITE EGRETS as they flew NW between Ardnave Point and Nave Island – likely a Scottish record number seen together!

18th September

TIREE: A 1cy BARRED WARBLER was found at Balephuil mid-morning but has been elusive (John Bowler).

14th September

TIREE:  Sea-watch off Hynish 12.15-1315hrs today in S7 with bands of light rain / dreich. Highlights: 3 LEACH’S PETREL, 2 GREY PHALAROPE, 6 SOOTY SHEARWATER, 1 imm POMARINE SKUA, 3 ARCTIC TERNS (John Bowler). Also 1 adult AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER at Kilmoluaig yesterday per Keith Gillon (presume 1 of the 2 birds from Middleton/Sandaig) and 1 LESSER WHITETHROAT still at Balephuil today (John Bowler).
ISLAY: The SHORT-TOED LARK is still at Cornabus today.
MID-ARGYLL: A first-winter MEDITERRANEAN GULL at the Head of Loch Gilp late morning (Jim Dickson).

13th September

ISLAY: The SHORT-TOED LARK is still at Cornabus today (Ed Burrell) and a juvenile ICELAND GULL was at Saligo this morning (James How) .

12th September

TIREE: One adult/2cy AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER now at Middleton today and a LESSER WHITETHROAT at Balephuil (John Bowler).
ISLAY: The SHORT-TOED LARK is still at Cornabus and showing well.

11th September

ISLAY: A SHORT-TOED LARK was found at Cornabus yesterday and identified today (Ed Burrell). Only the fourth for Argyll and a new species for Islay if accepted by the SBRC.

SHORT-TOED LARK – Islay 11th Sep (David Dinsley)

10th September

KINTYRE: A GREY PHALAROPE was seen close in at Machrihanish Bay (Jo Goudie, David Millward).
TIREE: A seawatch from Hynish for 1 hour from 06.30 hrs produced – 28,350 Manx Shearwaters west off Aird in 1hr from 06.30am today – also 3 Sooty Shearwaters, 5 Great Skuas and 3 Arctic Terns (John Bowler).
KINTYRE: A record Argyll count of 14 LITTLE EGRETS were together at Kennacraig.

9th September

TIREE: Two 2cy/female AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER at Middleton today. Also a LESSER WHITETHROAT at The Manse, Scarinish (John Bowler).

7th September

TIREE: A LESSER WHITETHROAT was at Balephuil today (John Bowler).

4th September

MULL: The adult BONAPARTE’S GULL is now at Craignure (per Birdguides).
TIREE: A PIED FLYCATCHER in the garden at Balephuil today (John Bowler).

3rd September

ISLAY: A RED KITE was seen between Port Charlotte and Portnahaven (IslayBirdBlog). Now 4 juvenile LITTLE STINT at Carnain early morning (Jim Dickson).

2nd September

TIREE: A sewatch at Hynish produced 2 GREAT SHEARWATERS & 12 SOOTY SHEARWATERS (John Bowler).
MULL: An adult BONAPARTE’S GULL was found on the shore at Garmony – presumably a returning bird seen on Mull the previous two years (Theo de Clermont).
ISLAY: Two juvenile LITTLE STINT were in with the calidrid wader flock at Carnain around 7pm (Jim Dickson)

30th August

OFF COLL/TIREE: In with the large congregation of MANX SHEARWATERS SW of Gunna Sound this morning were 33 GREAT SHEARWATERS & at least 100 SOOTY SHEARWATERS viewed from Sea Life Mull tour vessel (Stuart Gibson et al).
TIREE: An evening seawatch from Milton, SE Tiree produced 27+ GREAT SHEARWATERS, 1 CORY’S SHEARWATER, 140+ SOOTY SHEARWATERS, an adult & an imm POMARINE SKUA. Also, a GREEN SANDPIPER was seen at The Reef (John Bowler).
COLL: At least 2 GREAT SHEARWATERS & 18 SOOTY SHEARWATERS were seen off N Coll (per Birdguides).
MULL: 29th Aug: an adult SABINE’S GULL was reported flying slowly past Caliach Point, NW Mull (per Birdguides).

28th August

OBAN to BARRA FERRY: Highlights of a seawatch inc 11 SOOTY SHEARWATERS in with c5000 Manx near south entrance to Gunna Sound. Also total of c50+ Storm Petrel and several Great & Arctic Skuas noted (Jim Dickson, Hayley Douglas, David Jardine, Neil Rankine).

27th August

MID-ARGYLL: A 1cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL was at the Head of Loch Gilp this morning (Jim Dickson). Of interest – the pair of Mute Swans with 3 cygnets that include 2 ‘Polish types’ are hanging around the loch – very few records of these types have ever been reported from the West of Scotland.
MULL: A 1cy MEDITERRANEAN GULL was also at Scallastle today (Theo de Clermont, Ewan Miles).

26th August

MULL: A BLACK REDSTART was reported at down from the Ben More pods towards the hatchery (Allan Cowan)

24th August

KINTYRE: A 1cy HOBBY was seen & photographed in Glenbarr (Lusanda Donnelly).

14th August

AT SEA: Tiree to Castlebay, Barra ferry – an immature POMARINE SKUA and  46 Storm Petrels (John Bowler).

8th August

TIREE: A BALEARIC SHEARWATER was seen from the ferry SE of Tiree (John Bowler).

6th August

TIREE: Four SOOTY SHEARWATER were seen from the ferry SE of Tiree (John Bowler).

5th July

MID-ARGYLL: An adult/2cy HOBBY was at Dalvore, Moine Mhor this pm (John Boyd).

HOBBY – Mid-Argyll 5th Jul (John Boyd)

4th July

MULL: A report of a CORY’S SHEARWATER at sea between Duart Point, Mull yesterday 3 July and the Isle of Lismore (Dr Paulo Bessa) and also a belated report of an adult GULL-BILLED TERN at Bunessan on 31 May – 3 June (John Smallman) and a first record for Mull.

GULL-BILLED TERN – Mull 31 May (John Smallman)

1st July

COLL: A belated report of a HOBBY at Loch na Cloiche, SW of Arinagour on 25 June (Ben Jones, Greg Smith).

HOBBY – Coll 25 Jun (Greg Smith)

27th June

KINTYRE: A report of a fem-type GOLDEN ORIOLE 1 mile N of Grogport at Closeburn at 7am (Adam, Gull per Alasdair Paterson).

22nd June

MID-ARGYLL: At sea just south of Kerrera – a LEACH’S PETREL, also 3 Storm Petrel and an Arctic Skua between Colonsay and the Garvellach Is (David Jardine, Ian Fisher).

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