Recent Sightings 2024

Please send your sightings to Jim Dickson (Argyll Bird Recorder) to: 

 Posts on this page are for scarce & rare sightings. Descriptions will be required for species listed by the Argyll, Scottish & British rare bird committees prior to their acceptance. Rare bird forms are available from Jim.

The Argyll Bird Club has a Facebook group if you wish to post your own sightings and photographs for all other reports.  In addition, please submit any relevant records to BTO BirdTrack or the Argyll bird recording system. Contact Malcolm Chattwood email:

The 2023 ARGYLL BIRD REPORT Volume 35 with Systematic List for 2023 is now published as a PDF – (available to ABC members only by an emailed link) 


2024 Spring Migrants Table: SPRING MIGRANTS 2024 to 30 Apr


Recent Reports of Scarce & Rare Sightings 2024


27th March

TIREE: A SNOW BUNTING at Balinoe today, also the GREY-BELLIED BRANT is still around (John Bowler).

21st March

MULL: Two STOCK DOVES together in the Gruline area (Arthur Brown). A less than annual species to Mull. Also a 2cy LITTLE GULL at Killiechronan, Loch na Keal (P & A Brown) and presumably the same as bird there on 15 Mar (Tim Dixon).

19th March

MID-ARGYLL: An adult GOSHAWK was seen today at an undisclosed site (David Jardine).

11th March

MID-ARGYLL: A male GREEN-WINGED TEAL today on Luing at Lochan ILitter (per Birdguides).
TIREE: The 1w GREY-BELLIED BRANT has moved to Ruaig today (Jim Dickson).

9th March

TIREE: A first-winter Brent Goose was in with a Barnacle Goose flock at Vaul – showing features of GREY-BELLIED BRANT (still of uncertain taxonomic status). Jim Dickson

GREY-BELLIED BRANT – Vaul, Tiree 9th Mar (Jim Dickson)

8th March

ISLAY: A RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE found at Gruinart today (Theo de Clermont).

4th March

TIREE: An adult LITTLE GULL was at Loch Bhasapol this morning (Jim Dickson).

LITTLE GULL – Tiree 4th Mar (Jim Dickson)

3rd March

MID-ARGYLL: The male RING-NECKED DUCK was re-found in Oban today at Luachrach Loch (Theo de Clermont, Jack Waldie).

RING-NECKED DUCK – Oban, Mid-Argyll 3rd Mar (Theo de Clermont)

2nd March

TIREE: Juvenile GLAUCOUS GULL at Greenhill/Kilkenneth today (Jim Dickson) and reports of a juv  on ISLAY still at head of Loch Indaal.

GLAUCOUS GULL – Tiree 2nd Mar (Jim Dickson)

27th February

KINTYRE: A TODD’S CANADA GOOSE with other geese at East Machrihanish this morning (Tom Lowe).

TODD’S CANADA GOOSE – Kintyre 27th Feb (Tom Lowe)

21st February

ISLAY: A RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE with Greenland birds at Gruinart Flats today (Jonathan Farooqi).

18th February

MULL: A surprise find of 3 GREEN SANDPIPERS photographed at Linndhu – they flew in very briefly before heading off again heading North West (Scott Robinson). Always a scarce species in Argyll and most past records relate to single birds.

12th February

TIREE: The SNOW GOOSE is still at Caoles and a male GREATER SCAUP was found on Loch Bhasapol (John Bowler).

11th February

ISLAY: The adult RED-BREASTED GOOSE was seen again today at Loch Gruinart.

10th February

MULL: A female GREATER SCAUP today at Fidden (David Jardine, Frank Cavannagh).

7th February

MID-ARGYLL: The male RING-NECKED DUCK is still present at Glenfeochan.
ISLAY: A report of a LAPLAND BUNTING at the east side of Loch Gruinart at Killinallan today.

4th February

MID-ARGYLL: The male RING-NECKED DUCK is still at Glenfeochan Loch, Kilmore (Frank & Patrick Cavannagh).

3rd February

MID-ARGYLL: The male RING-NECKED DUCK has appeared back again at Glenfeochan Loch, Kilmore (Jack Waldie).

RING-NECKED DUCK – Mid-Argyll 3rd Feb (Jack Waldie)

29th January

MID-ARGYLL: A LITTLE AUK flew NE up Loch Fyne past Port Ann late afternoon (David Jardine, Jim Dickson).
TIREE: A juv ICELAND GULL at Sorobaidh Bay, the SNOW GOOSE again at Caoles, a LAPLAND BUNTING was at Salum and a LITTLE EGRET (rare on Tiree) at Loch Riaghain (John Bowler).

27th January

MID-ARGYLL: A likely male RING-NECKED DUCK (probably same bird in this area of Argyll recently) was with Tufted Ducks at the Angus Garden, Barguillean, Glen Lonan, nr Taynuilt (Margaret Keirnen).

26th January

TIREE: A 3cy LITTLE GULL was at Sorobaidh Bay today (John Bowler).

25th January

TIREE: The SNOW GOOSE was seen again at Caoles today (John Bowler).

18th January

ISLAY: A male GREEN-WINGED TEAL was new today on east side of Loch Gruinart today and the returning adult male AMERICAN WIGEON from last winter was found again at Loch Gorm on 17 Jan (Dan Beadle, Max Hellicar, Jack Morris).

16th January

ISLAY: The RED-BREASTED GOOSE was seen again today – at Craigens.

10th January

KINTYRE: An adult male SURF SCOTER today off Rhunahaorine Point – also 2 VELVET SCOTERS (David Jardine, Jim Dickson).

SURF SCOTER – Kintyre 10th Jan (Jim Dickson)
SURF SCOTER – Kintyre 10th Jan (Jim Dickson)

9th January

COWAL: The juv ICELAND GULL is still at the Holy Loch.

8th January

MULL/HIGHLAND: An adult ICELAND GULL at Fiunary today – opposite Salen, Mull (Scott Robinson).

ICELAND GULL – Fiunary, Highland 8th Jan (Scott Robinson)

4th January

COWAL: A juvenile ICELAND GULL again at the Holy Loch (Neil Hammatt).
MID-ARGYLL: A single WAXWING today near Ford (Dani Elle Frea Ney)

3rd January

COWAL: A white GYR type falcon was seen well but briefly just south of Ardgartan campsite Loch Long on 1st Jan. Unable to rule out an escaped falconer’s bird or very white large hybrid falcon (David Wauddy).
KINTYRE: A RED KITE flew over Lephenstrath Bridge this afternoon (Ann Hand).

1st January 2024

TIREE: The SNOW GOOSE last seen on Dec 13 has reappeared today at Miodar (Hayley Douglas).
ISLAY: A SPOTTED REDSHANK  was at east side of Loch Gruinart (Phil Edwards).

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