KINTYRE: Still one Little Egret at Kennacraig early morning (Val Wells) and roosting there at 11am (Jim Dickson).

MID-ARGYLL: A Kingfisher was on the Lusragan Burn in Connel this morning (Mike Harrison). At the Add Estuary/Moine Mhor today – the juv male Marsh Harrier is still hunting the land and shore immediately N of the estuary, also 2 Ospreys and 2 male Hen Harriers there (Jim Dickson/James Lehman/John Aitchison). Sue Chattwood saw 2 Swifts over Kilmichael Glassary, Lochgilphead today.
TIREE: 30 Black-tailed Godwits and 1 Whimbrel at Loch a’ Phuill, 9 Black-tailed Godwits flew west at Traigh Bhagh, also 1 Robin new in at Balephuil (John Bowler).