KINTYRE: At Strath Farm (The Laggan); Whooper Swans had increased to 217 on flooded barley that could not be harvested. Also there, 577 White-fronted Geese, 2 Pink-feet, 100+ Greylags, 2 Common Shelduck, a Sparrowhawk, 800 Golden Plover, 1,000+ Herring Gull, an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, a 2CY Iceland Gull, 2 Stonechat and 40 Redwing (Eddie Maguire).
MID-ARGYLL: Four Whooper Swans (2ads + 2 juvs), 340 Canada and 110 Greylag Geese and an odd Barnacle Goose hybrid at Dunadd. Also 12 Fieldfares nearby (Jim Dickson).
COWAL: George Newall had 5 Jays in his garden at Bishop’s Glen, Dunoon today.