COWAL: five Purple Sandpipers at Dunoon crazy golf, plus 1 Turnstone (George Newall). Five Common Swifts around Dunoon primary School this afternoon (Tom Callan).
MID-ARGYLL: three Sedge Warblers around Ormsary today (Stu Crutchfield).
TIREE: a Wood Sandpiper on pool at Kilmoluaig this afternoon (David Palmar per John Bowler).
ISLAY: at Kilchoman, Ian Brooke continues to create a feeding and nesting an area attractive to many species. An upgrade of the feeding station is proving popular with Golfinch at present. The drake Garganey is still at Gruinart, also a Ruff in breeding plumage and our first report of a Spotted Flycatcher (per Ian Brooke).